Definder - what does the word mean?

What is No creepo?

A typical Home Depot employee, who thinks they know everything about construction, snaps their fingers repeatedly as they walk past you, talks so loudly to their fellow slacker-mates you can hear them 10 aisles away, never answers the question a customer asks because they don't know, and boasts they have built the most ingenious e.g,. solar devices for nothing, and if you butter them up about it, you can get them to admit this is because they have actually stolen the entire device.

Customer: Excuse me, do you know where I can find plumbing cement?

Home Creepo: Why do you want to do that?

Customer: To repair some plumbing.

Home Creepo: You don't want to do that. You need to buy a whole new setup. I did that last year. In fact I have solar pumbing, for absolutely nothing. I pay nothing for my hot water.

Customer: How smart of you, how did you do that?

Home Creepo: I "borrowed" the parts off RV's and houses with our solar parts.

Customer: How fascinating. And you have no idea where plumbing cement is.

Home Creepo: I don't like your tone of voice so I can't help you . Click Click Click (with the fingers).

👍35 👎17

No creepo - video


No creepo - what is it?

A completely shady, inhospitable place where you know something clandestine is going down, and you dont want to be a part of it. The 'depot' can also reference someones mind, as something a person says can also be deemed 'creepo depot'.

"That building we drove by in brockton had boarded up windows and an empty parking lot, but I could see light coming out from underneath the door..."
"creepo depot."

"Did you see that old guy sitting at the playground with his pedo-smile?"
"Ya, creepo depot if you ask me."

👍43 👎25

What does "No creepo" mean?

when a someone acts in a creepy manner.

Alyssa lurks on Jeff Takeover a lot... What a Creepo Marx

👍91 👎41

No creepo - what does it mean?

A creepo is someone who should be passed out, but they're not. You're up for one of two reasons:
A.) Food
B.)Pussy (there have been events where girls are creepin it)
Being creepo can also mean just being creepy at a party whether it's a stupid remark or gesture, you're probabaly creepo.

*All I got to say is "DON"
*T-unit and Amario join random networks on facebook and randomly friend request girls.
*Poulin tries to mack something heinous at sunny's. You know what you did you sick fuck.
*T-Unit gets the ride of his life......cigar ride that is from julia the stripper we got at sunny's
*Mo, Amario and Sean "The King Creepo" Leavitt, take vodka shots at 5 in the am.
*Doobie pass out in the back yard of Brittnay Thomas's House with a toad chilling on him.
*Beerpong is played at 6 in the morning at Sean's.
*Chizzim is so baked he slices his hand open.
*The Pictures that go around Suncor

👍45 👎57

No creepo - meaning

Very weird Or creepy

That guy is creepo

👍31 👎15

No creepo - definition

A Creepo is another word for Creep, and you should steer clear of them.
They're pretty horny at times, I don't recommend being alone with one. Take precautions around them, okay?

Person: Hey, do you see that Creepo in the corner?
Person 2: Yeah, we should stay together and steer clear of them.

👍25 👎11

No creepo - slang

Someone who does creepy things like staring at people or talking to themselves.

Ryan is a creepo. He stared at the little boy on the swingset for over two hours.

👍113 👎55

No creepo

Name of someone who is creepy, usually one with the same name as an alcoholic drink

Dude, look at that chick, shes such a creepo!

👍53 👎19

No creepo

An extremely unusual individual who appears on Urban Dictionary's chat channel, making it a point to tell everyone that he has a poop fetish, is a necrophiliac, likes beastiality and has spent 25 years in prison for rape and planting a camera in the girl's bathroom.

Creepo: "I'm horny."
Us: "Yes Creepo we know."
Creepo: "I drop the soap in prison all the time. I love it in prison."

👍205 👎91

No creepo

A phrase used to show that your intentions are pure, though what you're saying is pretty creepy. Be careful who you use this one on. Should NEVER be used to try to fix a creepy statement... unless you're trying to walk into an awkward situation for humor purposes. Should be used to accentuate a very obvious creepy statement even further. Almost always used by men toward cute women. lots of times on social networking sites.

In some intsances, interchangable with "no hetero."

#1: Hey kelly, good show, I love your band, happy birthday last week... no creepo. also, how's your dog sunnybear?

#2: (on a social networking site) Sup? I found you on the search and you're really cute, no creepo.

#3: woman: How's this dress look on me?
guy: mmm.. I'd hit it with soap in a sock. No creepo/No hetero.

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