Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nilsen?

Whole september you have to slap annas ass at least 100 times in september

you have to "Slapp Anna OlderΓΈ Nilsen ass september"

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Nilsen - meme gif

Nilsen meme gif

Nilsen - video


Nilsen - what is it?

is a rare last name only four people have it the name of these people are hidden so they can get there privacy
but the people are from norway

if you know anyone with this name say they are lucky to have the last name breistΓΈl nilsen

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What does "Nilsen" mean?

a stupid blonde kid who speaks like a cowboy and needs shoes.

Grant Nilsen is being weird again

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Nilsen - what does it mean?

Dennis Andrew "Des" Nilsen, a.k.a. "The Kindly Killer" and "The Muswell Hill Murderer", was a Scottish necrophilic and ephebophilic serial killer who was active in London. He has murdered atleast 12 young men and boys. Nilsen was sentenced to life imprisonment on 4 November 1983. He died at York Hospital on 12 May 2018 of a pulmonary embolism and a retroperitoneal haemorrhage.

do you know dennis nilsen? He's a serial killer who has killed atleast 12 young men and boys.

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Nilsen - meaning

A guy who is stuck in the late 90's thug life. Can't seem to get the pimp out of his walk. A Nilsen's pants are not intentionally baggy, just a rare find at the local thrift shop. Wakes up every morning to Ice Cube's "Today Was A Good Day"

Look at that white guy getting beaten up in the black neighborhood. He's a nilsen.

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