Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nigger Jew?

A cover-all derogatory statement, generally used to describe something when you cant think of the actual word.

Person 1: Damn, I don't have any money for booze, all i can afford are those suck ass jew-niggerings

Person 2: What PBR?

Person 1:Yeah, it tastes like ballsweat

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Nigger Jew - video


Nigger Jew - what is it?

a black guy that is the oppisite of poor and is a rich snooby unkle tom that does not give any one money

person1-look at that jew nigger that motha fuck wont ever lend me a dollar

person2- lets kill that jew nigger

👍223 👎189

What does "Nigger Jew" mean?

A beautiful woman who is going to end all hate, racism, violence so we don't need no more jail or prisons cause there won't be any crime and who is gonna protect the whole earth from any more pollution because she was a baby @ one time and her mom just used to love her so much when nobody loved her except for her brother but in the end so did there whole family I hope!! I love u baby girl don't forget it!

When a beautiful baby who is born to a single white lady unsure who her baby daddy is so she was called a nigger baby Jew by some white guy who was more or less jokingly calling her this cause this Lil baby was special.

👍29 👎15

Nigger Jew - what does it mean?

a jew who was thrown in the oven by the germans but rescued before death...they are black and jewish... the worst possible combination.

Jew Nigger- a nigger with a yamaca

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Nigger Jew - meaning

phrase in leafyishere video

insult to leafy for not being part of the kkk

leafy is here is a nigger loving Jew

👍41 👎19

Nigger Jew - definition

What a man with a towel on his head called a YouTube by the name of LeafyIsHere

"Leafy is a nigger loving Jew"

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Nigger Jew - slang

ADJ. A phrase that describes a cop that pulled you over while you were in a drunken mindset.

Cop: Sir may I see your license and registration?
Kyle: Fuck you, you nigger jew bitch pig.

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Nigger Jew

A mean word againts black jews


👍81 👎17

Nigger Jew

an african who steals peoples money and then saves the money untill they die

wow what a nigger jew he stole that guys money then saved it.

👍365 👎103

Nigger Jew

A term used as an insult towards black people that are Jewish or have beliefs in the Jewish religion.

"Wow, that guys a nigger" said Frank
"Oh my gosh, what a Jew" said Max
"Such a nigger Jew" said Bill

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