Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nickola?

A goated soccer man who lives in cardboard box, does not get funded by the IRS, eats all the food and water in your house, and can never reach masters in brawl star power league.

Damn Nickolas, stop eating my food.

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Nickola - meme gif

Nickola meme gif

Nickola - video


Nickola - what is it?

To have a hairy chest, always needs a girlfriend, spends most of his money on gas, most people make fun of him for stupid stuff, bad at school

You are suck a Nickolas

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What does "Nickola" mean?

An epic CHAD that is epic and a CHAD
If you ever see a Nickolas tell him that he is an epic CHAD

Person 1: I met a Nickolas today
Person 2: he must be an epic CHAD
Person 1: YES

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Nickola - what does it mean?

Is found attractive by all of the females and will eat all the food in your house but does not gain wait and can dance like a pro and is extra spicy

This Nickolas just ate my damn food and now I want to kiss him.

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Nickola - meaning

The BEST and only Nickolas you will ever find. The best way to spell Nickolas and the most amazing person in the universe. Also, the great and amazing movie director.

Nickolas is the most amazing person in this existence.

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Nickola - definition

If you meet a person named Nickolas, you know he’s going to be the sweetest, funniest thing. Super nerdy, but that’s one of the things that make him special.
Nickolas is a hard worker and dedicated to his craft.
Also, if his name is β€œNick” he’s got a huge dick and loves to work that tongue.

Person one: The new guy is really working hard.
Person two: no wonder his name is Nickolas.

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Nickola - slang

Someone is is outgoing, funny has a good sense of humour. Usual comes from a non american back-round. Extremley good looking, settle waiting for people to notice.

Hey i met this guys name Nickolas the other day!
He is sexy!

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The sweetest guy to exist. He tends to be shy once you first meet him but after a while he turns out to be halarious. He always listens to you even if you don't notice. He'll be one to do a smooth pick up line and make you squeal with a smile plastered on your face afterwards.

If he turns to be your Boyfriend, keep him. I know I am because he makes me smile everyday and makes me feel special. He makes me laugh so much too even if it's over the tiniest things. Also he's really tall too but don't let that scare you.

She loved Nickolas for his silly remarks he made towards her that put a smile on her face

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Savage Nickola

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A hot guy that will will always care for you if you respect him and trust him. Has had a troubled,painful childhood and a real tough guy that you do not want to mess with. A guy you want as your best friend beacuse he will always be there for you when you need him. Hes loyal, trustworthy, intelligent and very sexy. As long as you befriend him, he will never hurt you or let you down. When you hear the name Nickola, you know for a fact he is a soccer player and a dam good one. he is a smooth-talking, charming young man. When you’re with him, he makes you feel like a princess. He knows much about life beacuse of his troubles in his past.

Girl 1: I wish my boyfriend was a Nickola
Girl 2: Oh you poor thing

Girl 1: why can't all guys be like a Nickola
Girl 2: yeah, i know right

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