Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nere?

A bad couple

They are a nere

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Nere - meme gif

Nere meme gif

Nere - video


Nere - what is it?

the next level of nerd, (also this is an excuse for anyone who mistypes nerd)

You are such a nered

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What does "Nere" mean?

Strong-willed, independent, handles business well, strives to do no one wrong, your word is your bond

I wish I was Neree when it came to putting my foot down.

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Nere - what does it mean?

Nere is the meaning of a amazing person , she will make you laugh and smile . Nere is a person who will be there for you even though you did her wrong . She is a very honest and trustworthy person . Also she loves to eat and she plays sports , but most important of all she’s someone who you can count on. When she is in love , she really is , and she won’t let you down . She will love her significant other and show them how much she cares for them , but sometimes she can be a really jealous person , and when you get her mad she will go off on you . So look yourself a β€œnere”

Woah your with a β€œNere” ?

β€œNere” is great in bed .

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