Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Neez?

Basically deez nuts with the initials switched

Neez duts is awesome,”

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Neez - meme gif

Neez meme gif

Neez - video


Neez - what is it?

Approximately the mid section of a beez legs. The joint that connects the beez thigh to the beez calf.

Person # 1: Did you see that poor little bee crash and burn over there?
Person # 2: Yeah I think he got rug burns on his beez neez.

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What does "Neez" mean?

top of the line; of highest quality. sweet ass shit.

Damn this town sure aint the beez neez.

the hooKa was the beez neez in my pants.

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Neez - what does it mean?

When something is so awesome that normal nerdography can't describe it. It's so fire that it's not just Beez, it's straight Beez Neez.

Person 1: Did you see my new level 50 horse armour?
Jerome: OMFG! That's the Beez Neez!!!

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Neez - meaning

Softer version of the slang term, "nigga".
invented 06-04-2009 by folokingx

yo wass gudd mi neeze (wass gud mi niggz)
wass gudd neezy

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Neez - definition

originality From Copiague NY

Was Used instead of Nigga Or ninja

preferly used To end most sentences...neeze

Person 1: Neezeeeee

person 2: Neezeeee

Person 1: WAdz Good Neeze

person 2: Shit Neeze Mackin

person 1: Word Neeze

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Neez - slang

Adverb. having the same meaning as no or incorrect.

Person 1- Are you going to that new club tonight?

Person 2- Neez, I am going to the bar instead.

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A substitution for the word nigga. Used in only the right places tho. Never put the word " my" before it.

instead of sayin yo nigga this girl is trippin. you can say yo neez this girl is stumblin.

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Derived from the slang phrase "Taiwanese Neeega". Means ghetto, 'bad', cool, or messed up. Generally an all purpose exclaimatory.

Dude, that was so Neez!
You are a neez!

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The joint that connects upper and lower leg.

My neez hurt

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