Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Necroposting?

To dig up an old post and topic that has long since been buried. An old tired poster walking around in tattered threads.

Zeke necropostered the lounge in a drunken stupor. Dayglow has become a necroposter as of late.
This thread isn't fit for a necroposter.
I'm surprised that Claude even speaks to such a necroposter.
Gayblow derives scat satisfaction in his necroposterdum

👍41 👎39

Necroposting - video


Necroposting - what is it?

To post on a thread that hasn't been active or relevant in a while ("dead").

Bro, this thread is 2 years old. Why did u post on it? That's Necroposting!

👍39 👎17

What does "Necroposting" mean?

The act of posting something highly irrelevant to a forum thread that has not been posted to in months, even years, to bring it back from the dead.


I would have to say that TF2 is one of the best games ever made.

*insert 100 posts here, last one 9/24/2014*



This is an example of necroposting

👍79 👎27

Necroposting - what does it mean?

On a message board, posting something irrelevent on a really old topic to bring it to the top of the list topics. name comes from the fact that you are bringing it back from the dead, thus Necro. a practice common among n00blars.

n00b: I think necroposting is funny.
me: ::bitchslaps::

👍513 👎195

Necroposting - meaning

In the context of the forums, the rootword of "necropost," which is "post," is most accurately defined as "a message published on a website." The prefix of the word, "necro-" most nearly means "dead." As such, the appropriate definition for a "necropost" (which can function as both a noun and a verb) would be "(v) the act of publishing a message on a website in a dead topic" or "(n) a message published on a website in a dead topic."

"dude... you just totally necroposted"
"lol what?"

👍299 👎101

Necroposting - definition

A person posting in a really old topic. Such as a topic that is a year old. They look for old post and try to start them up again. Most necroposting is caused by the primitive race known as the n00b

TehSL1(01/3/04)Yeah Hl2 will be good
n00b(03/14/05)no way hl2 is teh suxorz
Kagami(03/14/05)stop nao necroposter!!

👍165 👎31

Necroposting - slang

to post in a thread that has been "dead", by being inactive for a relatively long period.

to post in a thread from 2002

👍885 👎107


Originating from online forums in the early 2000s, necroposting is now widespread among old YouTube videos. Typically involves some retarded Zoomer responding to a comment from 2008, and phrasing it in a way that comes off as if they expect the (almost always) long-dead account to reply to them.

Pete • 14y ago
Wow! Your a really good piano player, well done!

BigBalls243956275920327 • 1w ago

Ge-off5d ago
Bro did you really respond to a 14 year old comment just to correct his typo? Nice necroposting faggot

👍43 👎39


The act of posting in a forum thread that is too old to matter any more, or has served it's purpose.
Usually by new, inexperienced members of the board.

A common trait of someone necroposting is not to only bring one old thread back from the last page before deletion, but to fill up the entire first page with threads that only they seem to think have relevance to anything.

Date: 15th June 07
Comment: blah blah blah

Date: 2nd November 07
Comment: I totally agree!

Date: 2nd November 07
Comment: Quit necroposting.

👍451 👎113


Posting to something on the internet for the first time in quite a few months or years. Usually n00bs do this, but sometimes a pro will do it to make people laugh.

This definition is a necropost.

Date: June 01, 1995
Comment: *long post about how computers will fit in your hand in 50 years*

Date: Feb 17, 2010
Comment: tl;dr
Sent from my iPhone

Date: December 31, 2011
Comment: Stupid necroposting Applen00b
Sent from Internet Explorer

Date: January 01, 2012
Comment: Stupid hypocritic necroposting Windowsn00b
Sent with my Ubuntu laptop

Date: March 10, 2098
Comment: I'm glad they banned proprietary software
Sent from my Debian smartglasses

Date: May 02, 2317
Comment: Look what I found in the archives! this is so funny loool
Sent from a Borg implant in my brain

Date: January 01, 10000
Comment: Hi, I'm the Doctor!
Sent from my TARDIS

Date: January 01, 1500
Comment: im a hacker

👍791 👎121