Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nay-Nay?

A word oftentimes used to describe a female, crippled, amish, retarded bitch.

Let's go ride the Nay- Nay trike after school today!

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Nay-Nay - meme gif

Nay-Nay meme gif

Nay-Nay - video


Nay-Nay - what is it?

a mini version of najet. Is prone to temper tantrums and is known for its strange eating habits. Known to inhabit Europe, native to France.

trolls, najet, nay nay are creatures

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What does "Nay-Nay" mean?

an adorable form of the word "fingernails"

I'm gonna go paint my nay nays!

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Nay-Nay - what does it mean?

to be naked, without clothes

Jade, Molly, and Alisha are nay nay together in the shower

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Nay-Nay - meaning

1. Extremely large breasts with big nipples, which normally sag and have stretch marks.

Your mother has terrible nay nays.

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Nay-Nay - definition

testicles, male scrotum, balls

I'm gonna cut Chuck's nay nays off if I dont get my W-2

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Nay-Nay - slang

One who is considered to be magnum in the sense of ultimate or way cool.

A: Even before she bought us dinner, I always told people your sister was a Nay Nay.
B: Yeah, she is magnum, no doubt.
A: No doubt!
B: So why they call them Greensleeves if they ain't got green sleeves?
A: They ripped 'em off so they could use them for those twirly things.
B: That so magnum.

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go sleep
in hawaii it is a term used in reference to going to sleep

ho bra...
last night was just shi shi, nai nai.
so tired...

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A "Nay-Nay" can mean a persons breasts or genitalia, specifcally the pelvic genitalia region.

Woman 1 is looking at Female 2's Nay-Nay area.
Female 2: "Hey! Stop looking at my Nay-Nay!"
Woman 1: "Oops!"

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A real quirky girl, annoying, hyper as fuck, kinda pretty good manners, curses alot screams for and don't gives a fuck about rumors and a real baddie has a short temper. 💍😩💖

Boy 1:who dat
Boy 2: that is Nay-Nay

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