Definder - what does the word mean?

What is National hold hands day?

On Friday, April 14, it's national holding hands day. So, if you see someone, run up and hold their hand. Happy national hold my hand day;)

-hey girl, its national holding hands day
-well lets hold hands together
*kisses and gets married*

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National hold hands day - video


National hold hands day - what is it?

On April 14, it is National Hold Hands Day so if anyone comes up to you and grabs your hand say β€œHappy National Hold Hands Day!

β€œIt’s National Hold Hands Day!”

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What does "National hold hands day" mean?

september 27 is national hold hands day soooo yea that’s gonna be lit

omg did you know today is national hold hands day

no omg

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National hold hands day - what does it mean?

on april 13th - 14th hold hands with your significant other or boyfriend/girlfriend

it’s national hold hands day , go hold hands with him/her

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National hold hands day - meaning

On May 13, 2019 it is the day to hold hands with your boo day to show how much you love them

Oh girl... its national hold hands day
Guy... lets hold hands then

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National hold hands day - definition

National hold hands day is november 13 when couple hold hands for as long as possible for the entire day

Boy:its national hold hands day
Girl:let's hold hands

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National hold hands day - slang

April 13 you will hold hands with. People

OMG I just its national hold hands day

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National hold hands day

National hold hands day is november 13 when couple hold hands for as long as possible for the entire day

Boy:its national hold hands day
Girl:let's hold hands

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National hold hands day

On May 1st you can hold hands with anyone one you would like and can be anyone your mom, your dad , boyfriend , girlfriend , friends, and dogs

Hey girl it’s national hold hands day let’s go !

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National hold hands day

On April 13th, it is a day where anyone can hold hands with whomever they would like.

Hey, today is national hold hands day

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