Definder - what does the word mean?

What is National chicken day?

A cold winters day weโ€™re papas make chicken noo noo (itโ€™s good for the soul)

Hey papa can we make chicken noo noo

Why yes Zach it is cold and itโ€™s national chicken noo noo day

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National chicken day - video


National chicken day - what is it?

national chicken alfredo day, itโ€™s a day where you tell your guardian(s) that its national chicken alfredo day and they will make some !

hey *your guardian*, itโ€™s national chicken alfredo day
*guardian* okayโ€ฆ and?
and youโ€™re gonna make some!
*guardian* youโ€™re right, i should!

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What does "National chicken day" mean?

On November 13th its national chicken nugget day where we all eat as many chicken nuggets as we want

Today is National Chicken Nugget Day buy!

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National chicken day - what does it mean?

March 21st is national chicken nugget day so better get to maccies before itโ€™s all sold out.

BFF: hey has that guy got chicken nuggets

Me: ye itโ€™s national chicken nugget day

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National chicken day - meaning

National chicken day is a day we remember our fallen chickens who died due to a creeper explosion every may 8th we shall salute with the l, Marburg Anthem at 10:00pm.

Hey dude did you hear it's may 8th

National Minecraft chicken day it's we need to salute at 10:00pm.

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National chicken day - definition

A day when we honor chicken, known on July 9th. Meat-eaters celebrate by eating chicken, and vegetarians celebrate by protesting the use of chicken as food. Farmers tend to celebrate by overfeeding their chickens.

Family Guy displays an unappropriated direction of National Chicken Day.

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