Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nati's?

Cheap american beer caucasion males drink to get the balls to go up to a girl and get rejected.This beer tastes like urine but gets more delightful the more you drink.

I rather drink pickle juice with sprinkles of donkey dingle berries, then drink natys.

👍71 👎27

Nati's - meme gif

Nati's meme gif

Nati's - video


Nati's - what is it?

Naty is the most funniest friend you will ever have, nicest friend you will ever have and the most loyal boyfriend that you will ever meet. SHOOT YOUR SHOT.

Naty is loyal

👍49 👎17

What does "Nati's" mean?

Short for Ethiopian "Natnael" probably gonna meet one in your life. They always get pussy.

Nati is a beast

👍79 👎25

Nati's - what does it mean?

Term for a cute, sexy, beautiful girl.
*Also used for guy*

Guy1 : Oooweee dat shawty is fuine as hell
Guy2 : Hell yeah she be a Natie.
Girl1 : omg, isnt Josh cute?
girl2 : That Natie is soo hottt!

👍81 👎25

Nati's - meaning

the hottest woman alive sheeeeeeshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

your a naty

👍45 👎13

Nati's - definition


in da nati we will split ur muthafuckin wig

👍391 👎143

Nati's - slang

The city of Cincinnati

Don't trash the 'Nati!

👍335 👎115


A girl who will always support her friends and family.she seems quiet and cold but she's really sweet and Caring.she may appear intimidating on the outside but she's really soft and warm on the inside.she tries her best to comfort everyone and please them by doing what they want or need

Person 1:he do u know naty?

Person 2:o yea she's so nice

person1:really?i thought she was very cold

Person2:nah she looks cold but she's really nice

👍49 👎13



Naty is a queen

👍29 👎11


Naty is the girl you love so much you are willing to give the world to. You are willing to take the most difficult path in life to show her you love her.

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.” Naty.

👍319 👎61