Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Nabber?

No real meaning but suggestive to felatio when used in a phrase with Jibber Jabber

"Ima put my nibber nabber in your jibber jabber"

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Nabber - video


Nabber - what is it?

Alex Stewart Henry, Formally known as twink nabber when he was fat al, now that he is skinny he is now commonly referred to as twink nabber do to the fact that he’s gay

Did you hear about alex, man he’s a real twink nabber

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What does "Nabber" mean?

(Verb) To take a joke one step too far. To continue a joke premise beyond the point where it is still funny, appropriate or relevant.

β€œOh Steve. It was funny until you took it too far. You really Nabbered that one.”

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Nabber - what does it mean?

when a black man rambles on, usually in blackanese, for a continued period of time

Morgan: Whats the homework dude?
Chris O.: Meh i dun fukn no meh i jus gutted me sum chikn wen yo aksed me dat sheyut and i needa cahl mah moms before dat.....
Morgan: Man, quit your nigga nabber, fool.

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Nabber - meaning

A customer who demands on getting your name even though you’ve already told them and you’re wearing a name tag because they want to bitch about shit that never happened or things that they imagined.

Mr. Gonzalez was a major name nabber. He’ll write that shit down and then bitch about you to a manager 3 weeks later for some made up bullshit.

Sheila knew the customer was a name nabber so she told him that her name was Sharon.

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Nabber - definition

someone who partakes in a butsex congaline

hes such a gay faggot...what a nabber

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Nabber - slang

a really different person who is usually mistaken for a person who dresses like a hobo with messy hair, but is very unique and has great fashion

hater: dude, look at that kid, what a nabbers

coolcat: hellz nah, that chick actually looks rather spiffy

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Someone who steals other people’s social media content for the sake of gaining clout. Someone who sends tweets you’ve liked into the group chat to gain approval without giving your credit.

*Ewan likes a tweet*

*Noah sees this and sends said tweet into the group chat*
*group chat laughter*
Ewan: Nabber Bradley strikes again

Group chat: oh Noah why you such a nabber?
Noah: I nab therefore I am

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