Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Na Na Na?

Usually said before "most of my ex girlfriend's friends want to fuck"

Oh Na Na Na, oh Na na na, most of my ex girlfriend's friends want to fuck

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Na Na Na - video


Na Na Na - what is it?

Seris of sounds usually spoken when one is confused, didn't here properly or attempting to cause another person to laugh.

Shwa na hu na wah na?

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What does "Na Na Na" mean?

A phrase that is meant to tease and emotionally scorn someone you dislike for any reason at all.

Na-na na-na boo boo, go stick your head in doo doo.

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Na Na Na - what does it mean?

Na Na Na Boo Boo is an alternate version of Na Na Na Na... It’s another verbal version of β€œIn Your Face”.... Most commonly uttered by preschoolers up to and including the third grade. Spoken in a Sing-Songy tone..

When Oliver got spanked for jumping on the bed, Jaden taunted him singing β€œNa Na Na Boo Boo... You got a span-king!”...

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Na Na Na - meaning

amazing song

kumalala kumalala kamala savesta ***** talking crazy we gon hit him in his chesta oo na na na na saveata oo na na na na savesta

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Na Na Na - definition

really cool


That throwback jersey is ill na na na.

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Na Na Na - slang

Originated from the sound made at the closing of the "Family Ties" theme song. Used after something incredibly dynamic or cool is said or done.

Your friend: "Hey, so I ran into the ho Carly. You know, the one who gave Kirk herpes. Yeah, I told her she smells."
You reply: "Sha na na na!"

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Na Na Na

word meaning to fuck, to get with, grind wit, etc. Any action involving anything sexual.

"this is for the girl thats true to the game
backseat ma, how ya doin tha thang
this is for the girl fine like oh my god
take her to the room do tha na na na, na na na"

Vinny V.- Na na na

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Na Na Na

Something used to mean rubbing in face.

mike: "i cant wait to just shove my watch in peoples faces all like na na na na"

beka: "wow"

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Na Na Na

words used to be said before the word BATMAN

na na na na na na na na BATMAN

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