Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NTB?

not too bright. when u or someone does something that is just not the smartest move. often its yourself or a friend who just did something really dumb yet they aren't normally dumb. kind of like a blonde moment if u will.

dude, u just wiped out in the middle of the street and broke the heel on your shoe in front of that hottie u were trying to impress. totally NTB.

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NTB - meme gif

NTB meme gif

NTB - video


NTB - what is it?

"Not to brag"

When you say something you did that was super awesome, but don't want to be a total cocky dick about it, you say this. Just to let people know what you did was great, but you're not too arrogant about it.

Person 1: "Yesterday, I had a shitty day."

Person 2: "Yesterday, I had an amazing day. NTB."

Person 1: "... Damn."

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What does "NTB" mean?

not that bad

you see a sexy guy and he walks by and you say "ntb"

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NTB - what does it mean?

β€œnot to be”

β€œntb mean but she looks mad ugly w all that makeup on”

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NTB - meaning

Internet Shortform:

Not Too Bad

How you doing?

ntb thanks

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NTB - definition

"NO TIME BOO" (NTB) which means that the girlfriend in the relationship has no time to spend with her boyfriend (aka boo).

Hey can we go fo din 2night ma?

Sorry no time boo! (NTB)

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NTB - slang

Nuts to Butts

We just moved into a smaller office...we're NTB in here!

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An abbreviation for 'Nice too bad'; usually used and is accepted in casual conversation in the Caribbean.

Andrew: Bro, yuh eh gonna believe me but I got the goods!

Alain: Oh for real? NTB!

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No Tower Bounce

Term often used by flippers who dont jump off of something to get higher on a trampoline

Just landed double backflip NTB

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No Text Back

"Yeah I asked him but he totally gave me the NTB. Awkward city."

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