Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NSFD?

Not Safe For Deutschland, or alternatively Nicht Sicher fΓΌr Deutschland is similar to nsfw, however it's applied before Nazi Germany/WW2 posts and videos in order not to trigger/offend Germans and Austrians

Attention : NSFD video
Die Fahne Hoch Remix

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NSFD - meme gif

NSFD meme gif

NSFD - video


NSFD - what is it?

Not Safe For (NCT) Dream.

Term used for accounts who write or talk about Dream members in a +16 way, not trying to sexualize them and usually censuring their names.

"if you don't like nsfd, just don't read it."
"nsfd accs are not illegal since all nct dream members are +18."
"if you don't want to see an nsfd acc, just block, don't report."

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What does "NSFD" mean?

- N.ot S.afee F.or D.aytimee

Lets Do Somethinq Thats NSFD.

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NSFD - what does it mean?

1. An acronym meaning No Sleep For Days
2. Usually stated in response to a question; can refer to an event in either a positive or negative connotation, depending on the context or tone.

1.) "These parties during Spring Break are gonna be SICK dude!!!"

"Tell me about it Bro! NSFD!!!"

2.) "How was studying for your finals over the weekend?"

" Uuugh! NSFD."

"Sounds about right."

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NSFD - meaning

Not Safe For Dorm. Generally used to describe content that could be offensive to a dormmate, usually sexual or gruesome in nature.

Matt: nsfd?
Deon: uh....yeah.
Matt: ....WTF!!!

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NSFD - definition

Not Safe For Dave, the average coworker. It is important to remain neutral with all Daves in your life, forcing you to hide your weird shit from him.

Neil: Why is this forward marked NSFD?

Josh: It talks about furries man, Dave hates those furries.

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