Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NASTY BOI?

Jenna Marble’s dog, Kermit (Cermit,) is, a, nasty boi!!

He cries in nasty

He sleeps in nasty

He is nasty

He cries when not loved, what a mood

But ily Cermit can’t wait to watch the tutorial on how to water my Cermit

Jenna: *making herself taller*
Kermit: *Cries in nastyiness*
Jenna: *looks at Kermit*
Julian (behind the camera:) NASTY BOI!!

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NASTY BOI - video


NASTY BOI - what is it?

A person who is real nasty. So nasty they do anything to anyone. Often sexual in nature. You don't wanna mess wiv these badboys. still they are not to be confused wiv the nastyboys of who are actually rather gay and pornographic.

Chris: Why did you hit that man on the head wiv your sledge hammer and then piss all over his face?
David: Beacuse im a NASTYBOY!!

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What does "NASTY BOI" mean?

Another name for Kermit, Jenna Marbles' dog.

Kermit, you're like a Hot Pocket. Hot on the outside and Nasty on the inside, cause you a nasty boy.

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