Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Murder By Death?

when you hurt in 3 places physical world ,spiritual world and, virtual world,
quoted in the motion picture demolition man

he got murder death killed "abdi, abdi, thats all folks

👍25 👎11

Murder By Death - video


Murder By Death - what is it?

A Shiny game "M.D.K." for Windows/MS-DOS, Mac OS and PS1 whose name was inspired by Demolition Man movie (1993). In fact the "M.D.K." name might mean "Mission: Deliver Kindness" as it was mentioned in game manual, but who cares?

- Dude, I Murder Death Kill all night. Shiny was f****ng awesome those days, Earthworm Jim and the like!

👍29 👎17

What does "Murder By Death" mean?

From the movie demolition man. Said in context of something being particularly bad for you.

Try this bacon lard cheese dip, it's murder death kill.

👍157 👎387

Murder By Death - what does it mean?

Murder-Death-Kill is the name of a rap song by 7L and Esoteric, featuring Demigodz associate Celph Titled. Available on the album DC2: Bars of Death. Eso and Celph rip this track up, some of the dopest gangster shit you'll hear. Or at least Celph's verse.

Eso: It's murder-death-kill
Celph: Or it's kill death murder
Eso: Celph push they wig back
Celph: ES push it back further
Eso: You comin out your face?
Celph: We handle beef to the bone marrow
Eso: No matter if it's Demigodz
Celph: Or Army of the Pharaohs

👍97 👎143

Murder By Death - meaning

A threat that's explains itself.

Big Brother: I'm gonna eat your cookies, sis. That okay?
Sister: You do and...I'll fucking eat your fucking eyeballs, fucker!
Big Brother: crunch crunch
Sister: If you fucking eat one fucking more I'll castrate your fucking dog with my teeth!
Big Brother: crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch
Sister: I'll fucking MURDER YOU TO DEATH!! FUCKER!!
Big Brother: crunch. crunch crunch crunch crunch. crunch crunch

👍815 👎437

Murder By Death - definition

From the movie Demolition Man, starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. It was repeated, along with a police code (1-8-7) over police scanners when Wesley Snipes' character had escaped from cryogenic prison into a crime free society, where he perpetrated many murders.

Police Scanner: Code 1-8-7. Murder-Death-Kill.

👍159 👎47

Murder By Death - slang

Murder Death Kill was a term coined in the 1993 action film Demolition Man. The term was used to describe a homicide. The film was set in an age where homicide was a very unusual thing, which is presumably why the term iterates the fact repeatedly.

Taken from the Demolition Man film:

"We can just wait for another code to go red. And when Phoenix performs another Murder Death Kill, we'll know exactly where to pounce."

👍675 👎119

Murder By Death

To murder someone by killing them. Kinda circular if you ask me...

It's also a band...

I'm going to murder you by death!
I saw Murder by Death live on Friday the 13th!

👍127 👎73

Murder By Death

kick ass band

"Did you buy the Murder By Death cd yet it kicks ass!"

👍115 👎39

Murder By Death

crappiest band ever.seriously. Horrible name,horrible music,just horrible. They should all die.

Murder By Death should be murdered by death.

👍51 👎145