Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mr. softie?

another name for Mr. bill Gates CEO of Microsoft

mr. softie beats core hog 's & screams @ http ( lingo writers ) and snorts @ C++ guys, I want BUG free code or no one goes home.. BACK to BACK all-nighters!!!!

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Mr. softie - video


Mr. softie - what is it?

Soft stools with ass discomfort related to repeated wipes

After the road trip I'm still having a Mr. Softy

👍31 👎15

What does "Mr. softie" mean?

the act of taking a really soft, continous shit. It's as if your ass is a Cravel soft ice-cream machine and the flavor is always chocolate.

Damn, that mr. softie I just took sure smells really bad, but feels so good!

👍57 👎33

Mr. softie - what does it mean?

Fake Penis for Packing in Your Pants, akin to a dildo BUT only intended to be worn for show in underwear. FTM trans. sometimes wear these, or men with a small package who want to appear larger. Brand Name.

I was packing my Mr. Softie in my panties and he fell out.
Mr. Softie sure looks better than a roll of Quarters in your pants.

👍43 👎13

Mr. softie - meaning

A soft, flaacid penis.

She had to tug a little extra on Mr. Softy to get him to stand at attention.

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