Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mozey?

it's just slang for the motel.

i took a girl to the mozey wozey.

👍27 👎13

Mozey - meme gif

Mozey meme gif

Mozey - video


Mozey - what is it?

A loose woman with little moral or integrity! A Mozey is generally a slut who shakes her thang all the way down to the schemey night clubs which she haunts nightly, in search of an equally loose minded gentleman, to show him how it's done.

Look at her dancing like a Mozey

Her tits were bursting out of that tacky dress. What a Mozey!

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What does "Mozey" mean?

An artist who goes by the name mtv mozey, great personality and all around a fun person to be with

I was at a party and you know it was lit because mtv mozey was there

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