Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Moon Child?

moon child is a phrase you would call someone has super curly hair and is super obtuse and obese

"wow, hes such a moon child!"

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Moon Child - video


Moon Child - what is it?

something to say to a person when you never want them to change. Mostly a crazy person who is feeling down or is been bullied.

"Today Harper called me a weirdo." I said to my mom. She looked at me, her green eyes puzzled . She snuggled me and said "Stay wild moon child."

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What does "Moon Child" mean?

a person who walks around aimlessly in the dark bringing light to those around them meaning they bring happiness to others in the person’s bad place in life

Guy 1: that girl is a moon child... she helped me through a dark point in my life.
Guy 2: i wish i had a moon child in my life rn

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Moon Child - what does it mean?

What every goth/alt girl calls themselves these days.

xXVampireChickXx is a Moon Child.

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Moon Child - meaning

really awesome movie starring japanese idols; Hyde and Gackt. The movie mixes vampires....and yukazas, truly a great movie

I saw moon child last night and dreamed about little hydes floating around my head for the rest of the evening

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Moon Child - definition

A GREAT movie starring Jrock Artists Gackt and Hyde.

The Movie Moon Child KICKS ASS!

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Moon Child - slang

A Cancerian; someone born within the range of June 22nd to July 22nd, therefore having the zodiac sign, cancer.

Stacy was born on June 23rd. Her zodiac sign is Cancer. Thus she is a moon child

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Moon Child

Typically referring to those born under the Star Sign Cancer, since the moon is their ruling planet.

"I'm a fire sign, you?"
"Oh, I'm a moon child."

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Moon Child

I rather unique individual, often described as being slightly crazy and over emotional. Moonchildren sometimes say strange things, but hey, thats how a Moon Child rolls!

Aka Annmarie is a Moon Child

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Moon Child

A Moon Child is a unique and a curious soul who is often in a daze, his or her mind is always out of this world. They live in their fantasy and refuse to come back to a harsh reality. A Moon Child don’t not always mean they are born under the Cancer zodiac sign, but they are just drawn to the moon in a way that can’t be explained. Some how they just belong on the moon, to the moon.

β€œHer mind is always wandering, she’s definitely a Moon Child!”

β€œHe’s always looking at the moon, maybe he’s a Moon Child.”

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