Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MoE?

The place Homer goes to drink with his friends Lenny, Carl, Barney, and the bar flies.

Homer goes to Moes and buys a duff. OH YEAH!!!

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MoE - meme gif

MoE meme gif

MoE - video


MoE - what is it?

also written as moΓ©.

A Japanese slang term (ironically, first employed by otaku) used to refer to the fetish for or sexual attraction to idealized people, usually a fictional perfect young girl.

Since then, moΓ© has come to be used as a general term for a hobby, mania or fetish (non-sexual or otherwise). This is contrasted with otaku, which would be taking the specific hobby, mania or fetish to harmful levels.

Chiise is so moΓ©, even while slaughtering entire armies...

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What does "MoE" mean?

The new meaning of 'moe' is entirely caught up in issues surrounding hobbies and taste. Specifically, 'moe' means be attracted to a specific character or its specific partial element and to have a favor feeling toward it. 'Moe' suggests the condition of being infatuated with one character or thing and implies an image of someone burning with desire.
The picture becomes clearer when we hear the frequent use of 'moe' referring to specific elements or characteristics, such as 'weak girl moe,' 'young lady moe,' and 'glasses moe.' The meaning of 'glasses moe' refers to a taste that is taken with a character who wears glasses; furthermore, this taste fetishizes the feature itself of glasses-wearing. In this case, glasses are the 'moe' element.

The sex industry comparison is just an example to introduce the fetish side of the "moe" feeling. However then, why do people enjoy Anime look character to be even falling in love?

Please imagine the feeling when you first liked somebody. The passion pops up inside of your brain and heart. This is not logical and unexplainable. And "moe" is a feeling very similar to this specific moment

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MoE - what does it mean?

A word originated in the dmv which means a person or a homie

β€œwassup moe how you been”

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MoE - meaning

The only hairstyle permitted in China.A unisex style named after Moe Howard of the Three Stooges.

I went into a Chinese barber shop and on the wall there was a chart of various cuts available.Ther were 16 pictures of the Moe.

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MoE - definition

Moe is when your heart gets a boner.

Moe is a personal feeling, thus you could find whatever you want moe. Generally, it describes an infatuation with a girlish kind of cuteness however. The girl doesn't necessarily have to be a child however, it can also apply to a teenager or rarely even an adult, e.g. the deredere moments of a tsundere character for example.

The word cute captures an aspect of it, but cute doesn't necessarily imply moe, while moe almost always implies cute.

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MoE - slang

instead of calling someone by their real name in the dmv you call the β€œmoe”

it’s a nickname you call anyone

*walks into room*

me: was good moe ?
thomas: nun much moe.

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1.)the act of looking up old photos, poetry, letters, AIM conversations, and you tube comments and giggling, pointing, and telling everyone around to look. This can take hours, and it is speculated that moeing is an essential ritual followed by mobax to reflect on that which was known as jaemo.
Some say its something more cosmic. For every minute moeing a taco is born.

Dan-Dude come on, you've been inside all day on the computer. Did you get a subscription to wow?
Mobax-(*type type type giggle*) look at this, joes face is so funny in this photo
Dan-Shes god, this is worse than i thought. we better leave peace.

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A person who is stupid,slow,retarded,

Damn Wyane is a fucking Moe,moe.

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To get clapped, raped/or simply just utterly obliterated.

I'm going to moe moe you if you don't give me my money!

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