Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Midsommar?

Swedes dance drunk around a dick shaped pole with their relatives one day in the summer once a year.

“Have you picked 7 different flowers to dream about your future baby daddy?”

“No I will do it after we have eaten the surströmming (disgusting fish)”


“Did you by the booze, I want to get fucked up tonight”

“Of course! It’s only midsommar once a year”

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Midsommar - meme gif

Midsommar meme gif

Midsommar - video


Midsommar - what is it?

An ancient, primordial word most commonly used on Earth 616.5 to summon the entity known as Mary.

Meren: Where's Mary?

Alex: I'm not sure, but I'll get her if you need to talk to her. Midsommar!

Mary: Did I hear someone mention Midsommar?

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What does "Midsommar" mean?

(verb): The act of excessively promoting or hyping a particular event, movie, book, etc. to others, often to the point of annoyance. Inspired by the horror movie Midsommar, where a young couple travel to a remote Swedish village to attend a festival that occurs once every 90 years.

My friend keeps talking about the latest superhero movie, she's been Midsommaring it for weeks now

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Midsommar - what does it mean?

When a girl puts her own period blood or period blood clots into someone’s drink as an act of revenge or some sort of witch thing idk.

The prof was failing us so we bought a passion fruit tea for him at Starbucks and slipped him a midsommar cocktail so he’ll chill.

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Midsommar - meaning

A terrifying colt of people who celebrate a 9 day festival in Sweden where people have sex, grab there boobs and scream, grab others asses while having sex, jump off cliffs, get high off shrooms and shroom tea oh and we can’t forget screaming and dancing like a psychopath while I building is on fire with living people in it.

Man this dude is crazy asf, he must of came from Midsommar.

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