Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Merriam?

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

I got very mad at my colleague when I discovered he named the distance between the scrotum and anus after me, Merriam.

👍41 👎75

Merriam - meme gif

Merriam meme gif

Merriam - video


Merriam - what is it?

The most awesome Cyanide and Happiness comic ever! Outside of this, the definition is largely unknown.

When Merriam received his first copy of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, he was shocked to find that his friend, Webster, had named the skin between the scrotum and anus after him!

👍47 👎87

What does "Merriam" mean?

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

Edible boxers make my merriam itch.

👍53 👎91

Merriam - what does it mean?

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

See Cyanide and Happiness's take on Merriam-Webster's first edition.

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Merriam - meaning

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

"Splendid Merriam. We have truly left our mark on the English Language!"

👍95 👎133

Merriam - definition

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

"When Merriam and Webster completed their dictionary they truly left a mark on society. Webster even went as far to name a body part after his friend Merriam."

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Merriam - slang

The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

Creating the definition of "Merriam" was the last thing Webster did before he died...

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(noun) The length of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

I totally defined merriam as the length between a man's anus and scrotum!

~ Cyanide and Happiness 05/10/2008

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The lenght of skin between a man's anus and scrotum.

Cyanide's merriam was 18 inches long!

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A word people decide to define even after many others have already done so post reading cyanide and happiness.

Hey look, I'm going to try and look cool and define the word merriam after i read it in a comic strip even-though there's already a definition up of the exact same thing I'm describing!!!

👍505 👎229