Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mechelle?

When a female is on top of another male facing the opposite way bouncing her booty in his face and won’t stop even after he has came.

She did the Dirty Mechelle on me last night and it felt so good.

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Mechelle - meme gif

Mechelle meme gif

Mechelle - video


Mechelle - what is it?

A vivacous flaxen haired beauty who stirs the desires and passions in every living man's burning loins. Ready to come of age on her next birthday she will finally become a woman, a woman i desire, long for, perchance may touch one day not too far away. one imagines the scent of her perfume and the softness of her skin but, alas, i have not experience the all consuming sexual lust that engulfes my balls.

mechelle is the most beautiful putain i have ever layed eyes on

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What does "Mechelle" mean?

a woman with very large breasts

that girl over there is a mechelle

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Mechelle - what does it mean?

Scrambled eggs, bozo, shut your face, #always shut down, #always ready, #today is not the day #meetings #donut give up # seltzer #where is my shirt #ma I got this

Mechel is a bozo

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Mechelle - meaning

Hardworking. She can be a bit passive-aggressive but she means well. She typically has a great ass. Has alot of friends. She is ok at sports. Never actually been in a relationship before. Can be a spastic extrovert.

What are you on, Mechele?

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Mechelle - definition

Cunning, beautiful, intelligent, strong and independent. She is hot tempered and feisty. Hard to understand at times but captivates you with dual alliance of her beauty and intelligence. She is difficult to get to know because you have to gain access to her thoughts. She is very accomplished and is not to be mistaken for Michelle.

MeChell is also known as vibrant.

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