Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Meat popsicle?

A person who has utterly missed the point of a statement or line from a movie. A person hopeless out of the know. Drawn from the movie the Fifth element the main character is questioned by authorities if he is human and he responds “Negative. I am a Meat popsicle.” Correctly this would have informed the police that he had been frozen and revived thus explained an apparent very long life. Over whelming this was taken to have been a cheeky comment to the officers.

“I don’t get that scene in Harry met Sally, how did he make her cum like that.” “ Ooo you’re a total meat popsicle head.”

👍29 👎45

Meat popsicle - video


Meat popsicle - what is it?

give male oral in not a nice way to a person or company

"Sprint gave our company a 'meat popsicle' instead of dealing with us fairly"

👍27 👎55

What does "Meat popsicle" mean?

1. noun: An edible, frozen confection flavored or concreted with bits of animal flesh.
2. noun: A penis or phallic appearing object.
3. interjection: From certain Anime/Manga circles, a nonsensical greeting or term of endearment.

1. "I could sure go for a meat popsicle on a hot day like this!"
2. "I could sure go for a hot meat popsicle on a day like this!"
3. "Hey, Meatpopsicle! I just got a new ep of Ranma!"

👍61 👎303

Meat popsicle - what does it mean?

A dead man's boner.

"Man, that guy has a MEAN meat popsicle!"
"Yeah, that's HUGE!"
"Sally, I'll give you 100 dollars to eat that meat popsicle!"

👍61 👎267

Meat popsicle - meaning

A mans genitalia; an erect penis being sucked on by a hungry warm mouth.

Last night your mother feasted on my Meat Popsicle and did not waste a drop.

👍71 👎297

Meat popsicle - definition

A stupid person

This man is a meat popsicle.

👍91 👎347

Meat popsicle - slang

Slang term for the male genitalia.

Can also be used to describe the genitalia of demons, transexuals, demonoid transexuals, the undead, horny zombies, vampires, polar bears, eskimoes, and any penis that enjoys a nice warm place to rest it's head and drop a load off.

Can also be used to describe the genitalia of an anatomically correct snowman.

"My beers getting warm, wheres your meat popsicle, Mom?"

👍93 👎327

Meat popsicle

the male genetalia (slang)

"I was so bored in class that I whipped out my meat popsicle and started jerking off. I got a detention."

👍127 👎437

Meat popsicle

Term coined by Luc Besson, writer and director of "The Fifth Element", and made famous by Bruce Willis, who played the part of Korben Dallas in the movie.

Police Officer: "Are you classified as human?"
Korben Dallas: "Negative, I am a meat popsicle."

👍1447 👎223

Meat popsicle

A person that has been frozen then defrosted, Drawn from various science fiction sources it is based on the assumption that such a person would need to justify a potentialy very distant birth date.

Cop questioning ID “yea you don’t look 346 years old, you got a beauty secret.” Citizen “I’m a Meat popsicle.”

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