Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Meat flap?

A pair of breasts that are so saggy that the nipples actually point down and touch the skin. A common affliction in elderly women, but that is not always the case. It isn't that rare for a woman of her twenties or even teens to be diagnosed with meat flaps.

Dude, I thought your mom was really hot for her age, but I still couldn't get over her meat flaps.

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Meat flap - video


Meat flap - what is it?

Your lips.

Case: Oh my god. Shut your fucking meat flaps.
Jess: -.-

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What does "Meat flap" mean?

noun(s): comes in pairs; causes camel toe; most likely associated with odor

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Meat flap - what does it mean?

The luscious protruding inner lips of a woman's vagina which is men’s favorite part to suck on during oral sex.
These inner lips are particularly sensitive and touching them makes the woman orgasm.
The inner lips of some genetically blessed women grow larger during puberty.
The inner labia of the majority of women more or less protrude beyond the outer labia but since the protruding lips are considered too sexy (too graphic) for soft porn, the guidelines mandate digital removal of these parts before getting them published. So virgin guys who are used to jerking off to porn pussies are not aware of this trait of real-life pussies.

1.My girl’s meat flaps can kiss my dick at the same time she’s kissing my lips. It makes me and her madly horny!!!

2.I love rolling my wife’s meat flaps around in my mouth. Sucking on those juicy pussy-lips sends me and her to heaven!

3.Mike doesn’t know how sex works. I laughed so hard at that virgin dude when he said he thought girls can get their meat flaps stretched out during sex hahaaaaaa

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Meat flap - meaning

A "split" or "floppy" vagina

We call her a meat flap because of her excessive use of her vagina

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Meat flap - definition

when a females genitals are so flappy and used the insides sag out and hang from exhaustion

man i saw my mums meat flaps the other day, it looked dead

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Meat flap - slang

Same as Meat Curtains. Also known as "roast beef". When a chicks pussy lips are too long and they flap in the breeze like dumbo ears.

That bitch has some nasty meat curtains.

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Meat flap

Large inner labia lips.
Pussy lips that dangle outside the labia majora even when the legs are not open wide.

I love chewing on her meat flaps, it drives her crazy :)

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Meat flap

The labia. Beef curtains. Pootie lips.

"This month's centerfold has got the biggest meat flaps I've ever seen!"

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Meat flap

The extra fleshy hanging parts of a pussy.

Oh damn! The girls got some serious meat flaps hanging from her pussy.

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