Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mary-Christina?

Christina Marie Aka BeautyChickee on youtube is an amazing wonderful human being, she has a boyfriend Corbyn Besson from the band Why Don't We. Right now shes going on tour #NoFilterTour go get your tickets at shes amazing and Go follow her on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouNow at Beautychickee

Friend : Did you see that Christina Marie is going on tour?
Me: YESSSS Im seeing her on her No Filter Tour!!!

👍63 👎13

Mary-Christina - meme gif

Mary-Christina meme gif

Mary-Christina - video


Mary-Christina - what is it?

She is a BOSS ASS BITCH! Who is kind hearted and always keeps you smiling, the way she talks to her supporters is so normal, you literally feel like you're her friend, she is one of the realest people ever and I STAN HER! Her natural face slays and her make up is stunning but her wing liner can cut a bitch, its a proven fact. She's is studying and doing youtube but still has time to talk to the ones who love and support her. She loves a guy called Corbyn but he's kinda irrelevant (jk, he's just as amazing)

Subscribe to her Youtube Channel:

Last thing,

You'll notice that she tweets,


Thats all I got left to say,

Ciao ciao Chickees x


👍179 👎17

What does "Mary-Christina" mean?

A cute girl who likes to eat ice cream and go to the beach. Probably doesn’t have a licence, but her friends aren’t really that concerned about it as they generally enjoy her company and it evens out in the long run. She’s hot, has a slight lisp, probably very bad at sports but makes up for it likely by doing weekly Pilates sessions. While she likely knows the crackheads in the area and has a fleeting relationship with them, generally keeps to herself by locking herself in a room to binge countless hours of brainless TV on her iPad that she spent probably too much on. Probably supremely cute. Mistaken for a small boy on occasions.

Did you see that small boy? Oh wait, no it’s Mary-Christina. She is hot...

👍25 👎11

Mary-Christina - what does it mean?

A cute girl who likes to eat ice cream and go to the beach. Probably doesn’t have a licence, but her friends aren’t really that concerned about it as they generally enjoy her company and it evens out in the long run. She’s hot, has a slight lisp, probably very bad at sports but makes up for it likely by doing weekly Pilates sessions. While she likely knows the crackheads in the area and has a fleeting relationship with them, generally keeps to herself by locking herself in a room to binge countless hours of brainless TV on her iPad that she spent probably too much on. Probably supremely cute. Mistaken for a small boy on occasions.

Did you see that small boy? Oh wait, it’s Mary-Christina. She is hot.

👍31 👎13