Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Marple?

The fucking loser member of Chair Inc.


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Marple - what is it?

When a marple girl is to beat to get with anyone from her school, so she has to go to a different school to get someone.

Yo, that girl definitely has beat marple girl syndrome

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What does "Marple" mean?

When a marple girl is to ugly to pull marple guys, she has to go to a different school to get a boyfriend.

Damn, she got with that guy from haverford, she must have beat marple girl syndrome.

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Marple - what does it mean?

A school full of cunts who will all fail their GCSE's cos the teachers are awful

Marple Hall School is shit

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Marple - meaning

Hell on earth. Legend says 90% of cum dumpsters have graduated from this school.

You see there's leaders and there's followers But I'd rather be a dick than a swallower

- marple highschool quote of the week

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Marple - definition

Brainchild of crime novelist, Agatha Christie. Miss Marple is the elderly crime-solving genius with a penchant for wool and being clever.

"Miss Marple! I do believe you've solved it!"

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Marple - slang

It's like used in random conversation.

Wow look at that giraffe! Marples!

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A school full of straight PUSSIES. if u wanna get fucked up wearing vans and converse while all the white trash girls drunkenly suck your dick, go ahead. Marple newtown single handily has the most white people trying to act (ghetto/black) in all of delco. Everyone there pretty much has a juul or a sourin. U wanna buy one? Nahhhh just burn someone down there. They won’t do shit

Marple highschool sucks

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an marple is an smol angri cermet called marple. owned bai humain jenna marblesand julien

jenna marple are you dead ?

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A Happenstance

No way that just happened, that was a Marple

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