Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Marlen?

Marlene is a very strong , brave, and beautiful girl. She has the most prettiest eyes. She has the biggest heart but will always keep her feelings inside . she keeps her circle small . Only has 2 best friends. Did I mention she’s also a great and amazing best friend and girlfriend

wow I just fricken love Marlene

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Marlen - meme gif

Marlen meme gif

Marlen - video


Marlen - what is it?

a bitch

oh look at that bitch it must be marlen

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What does "Marlen" mean?

a close friend that is a girl who you can trust with your life but end up having sex with. She is also close friends with a girl named Anna who’s a bitch who thinks everything is about her.

Damn Marlen really gave me chicken head

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Marlen - what does it mean?

A thicc ass vegan.

Damn, she’s a marlen. ❀️

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Marlen - meaning


Marlene he funniest person with the amazing beauty and is so weird that makes her who she is

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Marlen - definition

German in origin
Pronounced mar-LEEN

Meaning : One brought forth by the angels. Beauty bestowed upon her by God.
A beauty others wish for.

"That chick is so hot, I wish she was my Marlen"

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Marlen - slang

Marlen is a great person and is the person you will love to be with and loyal and the best bestfriend/boyfriend you could have.

hi is that marlen, oh yeah he/she is great

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Marlen is a girl that gives no fucks! Her only highlight in life is to get drunk

Yooo Marlen downed a whole bottle of vodka

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Marlen is a nice/mean bitch that's always down for anything! She's a badass that gives no fucks and will smoke her lungs out if she wants to. Nobody can tell her what to do. A Marlen is down to fight anyone.

Person 1: Damn who's that beating the other girl up?
Person 2: That's Marlen
Person 3: She smoked a blunt before fighting too!
Person 1: Marlen's a badass then...

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A hot bad ass who is funny and daring. Marlen's are super hot and dangerous. Dating a Marlen would give you a thrill like you can never imagine. They are the ideal girlfriend/ best friend. If you want to have adventures and laugh so hard you can barley breath, they hang with a Marlen.

That chick is so hot! Such a Marlen!

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