Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mark B?

A literal god. He reigns supreme over everything and everyone. He is the sexiest, smartest, and greatest being.

Person 1: Damn, that mark b guy is hella sexgzcy
Person 2: YEP, he's a god frfr

👍25 👎11

Mark B - video


Mark B - what is it?

A literal god. He reigns supreme over everything and everyone. He is the sexiest, smartest, and greatest being.

Person 1: Damn, that mark b guy is hella sexgzcy
Person 2: YEP, he's a god frfr

👍25 👎11

What does "Mark B" mean?

Someone who loves cock and balls so much, he would do anything to get at it.

My math teacher is such a B-Mark!

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Mark B - what does it mean?

A person with extreme penile addiction, requiring immediate rehab, or else his stomach will explode from alarming amounts of cum.

Everyone, keep yer pants zipped tight! I suspect a B-mark in our proximity.

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Mark B - meaning

Standing in your back yard, in a wife beater spraying neighborhood kids with a garden hose.

Yo, I saw some guy doin' the mark b

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Mark B - definition

becoming completely ineibrated , thru the process of watering the grass while wear a beer helmet with two mickeys big mouths strapped to it....

you see that guy doin the mark b

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Mark B - slang

1) One who usually has tubes in his chest
2) uses everyone he can for what ever they have
3) usually on myspace looking for girls under 14 or at the local jr high watching cheer leading practice
4) known for not having any variety
5) compulsively lying about everything
6) falls inlove with girls that look like men

2) "hey thomas come over"
"alright my mom will take me though cause my car broke down"
"oh nevermind then"

3) "hey how old are you"
":D B=====D~~~"

4) "dude stop doing the same trick"
"oh sorry i felt like mark b today"

5) "i fakie varial heeled fisler"

6) "hi my name is anita but my friends call me MANita cause i look like a dude"
":D <3<3<3<3"

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