Definder - what does the word mean?

What is not having any?

when you searched for your definiton but don't find it so you look in your profile to find nothing but "We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address."

We don't have any currently published definitions associated with your email address.

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not having any - video

Not having any - what is it?

A phrase heard in the Pink Floyd song, "Another Brick in the Wall". Extremely funny.

Son: "Mom, can I have some pudding?"
Mom: "You haven't eaten your meat yet."
Son: "But mom!"
Mom: "Son, you know that: 'If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"
Son: "Don't be quoting Pink Floyd on me again..."

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What does "not having any" mean?

(interjection) a remark requesting hand sanitizer, synonymous with "I just wiped my butt without washing my hands afterwards."

Guy 1: Do you have any hand sanitizer?

Guy 2: Come on, man, you just gave me a high five.

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Not having any - what does it mean?

A pick-up line. Often used after a night of heavy drinking when traveling for your workplace with co-workers. Usually executed via phone from hotel room.

Typically used by desperate, married women who are seeking some rough, drunk loving that they aren't getting at home.

Line can be used on both sexes, married or unmarried.

If target is a non-smoker, the line "Hey, do you have any water, I'm thirsty" can be used. See definition for "I'm thirsty."

User in own hotel room - calls co-worker in different room:

"Hey Mike, I just puked in my room, but am wondering, do you have any cigarettes? Cause I sure can use one right now."

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Not having any - meaning

I am a soulless corporate fuckwad.

Whenever you hear "Does anyone have any questions?" after a long speech of zero value; you know you're dealing with a soulless corporate fuckwad.

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Not having any - definition

When you don't care for anybody and that you've gotten increasing frustioning.

Why should I pay attention when I don't have any attention to pay?

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Not having any - slang

When u have no cheese

Where’s my cheese I have none
I have no cheese
I don’t have any cheese

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Not having any

The biggest lie in history

Kid: Do you have any gum?
You: (checks, and does actually in fact have gum) No, sorry I don't have any gum.

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Not having any

I don't have any plywood

I don't have any plywood

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Not having any

refusing to accept, rejecting

I was not having any of her rumors that I was lying to them.

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