Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Make Out Day?

National make out day on October 16th πŸ™ƒ the day you can just make out with anyone you'd like whether they're taken or not

Some guy: *Makes out with taken girl*
Girl: I'm taken
Some guy: it's fine my dudes it's national make out day

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Make Out Day - video


Make Out Day - what is it?

On April 27th It is National Make Out Day Single or not grab some one and make out

International Make Out Day

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What does "Make Out Day" mean?

Whether or not your single you will make-out with someone April 13th every year. Making out isn't just a kiss on the lips. Its passionate kissing for an extended period of time. It should take at least a minute if your not a pussy. If your at school try not to get caught! I recommend making out during gym. ;)

hey today is national make-out day guys.

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Make Out Day - what does it mean?

It’s the day where you make out with your boyfriend/girlfriend. If you guys haven’t kissed yet it’s gonna be special, but if you have then this day might not be for you:

Girl: β€œhey it’s national make out day”
Boy: β€œoh that’s cool” *leaning in to kiss her*
Girl: *also leans in*

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Make Out Day - meaning

this is a day where you can make out with anyone and not get called a whore or a slut or a fuck boy.

girl- β€œhey wanna make out?”
boy- β€œwhy”
girl- β€œbecause it’s national make out day”

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Make Out Day - definition

National Make out day falls on 16-17 of October so if you like it or not people are aloud to Make out with you

Person 1: did your seriously make out with her

Person 2: Yes it's National Make Out Day Init
Person 1: Sick dude I'm gonna ask her to make out with me

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Make Out Day - slang

National making out day is on April 14th. It is the day to make out with your significant other

Guy 1: Yo, you ready for April 14th?

Guy 2: Yeah man I can’t wait for national making out day

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Make Out Day

Made-up holiday from Youtuber, Prank Invasion. The video has Chris, (Prank Invasion), kissing moms with their children present

What up invaders! Today I'm here in Venice Beach for Mommy Make Out Day!
Yo, its mommy make out day gonna kiss that mom now.

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Make Out Day

a day to make out with your girl friend or boy friend.

when is make out day?

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Make Out Day

a day where everyone makes out. usually december 15 of every year.

OMG its national make out day. LETS MAIK TEH BABBIEZ!!1!!!1!one!

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