Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MOOFASA?

only the greatest beast ever created by Disney. He schooled Scar but was attacked by a heard of wilderbeast and then fell off a cliff. His glory lived on in his son, Simba, who in turn got revenge and killed Scar.

One day Moofasa was walking in the safari when suddenly his evil brother Scar pounced on him and bit his neck.

Damn, dat Moofasa be banging!

👍25 👎43

MOOFASA - video


MOOFASA - what is it?

only the greatest beast ever created by Disney. He schooled Scar but was attacked by a heard of wilderbeast and then fell off a cliff. His glory lived on in his son, Simba, who in turn got revenge and killed Scar.

One day Moofasa was walking in the safari when suddenly his evil brother Scar pounced on him and bit his neck.

Damn, dat Moofasa be banging!

👍39 👎43

What does "MOOFASA" mean?

Some lion that dies in lion king, cuz he's sweet.

Moofasa is a lion.

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MOOFASA - what does it mean?

If this is your last name you are very not sexy you want t have sex everytime you see a lady and your dick is the size of my marrage. You get 0 bitches and unfunny

POV moofasa sees a girl dick gets hard

👍25 👎13

MOOFASA - meaning

that will be all...

the name of Simba's father in disney's 'the lion king' is MUFASA, not MOOFASA!

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