Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MK-ultra?

CIA gangstalking program that ended along with COINTELPRO (FBI gangstalking program) with the Church Committee. The CIA continues MK ULTRA under a new name according to CIA whistleblower Dr Robert Duncan. CIA runs electronic harassment and FBI runs gangstalking and Fusion Centers sychronize everything and use their partnerships as partners in crime and flying monkeys to smear campaign, gaslight, harass, attack, and their only protocol is to kill the non investigative subject with plausible deniability.

Electronic harassment by the CIA is the new MK ULTRA and they're experimenting on targeted individuals on the watchlist.

👍25 👎11

MK-ultra - meme gif

MK-ultra meme gif

MK-ultra - video


MK-ultra - what is it?

When you are so so so un fucking believably fucked,.. that you may as well have been kidnapped and are being experimented upon.. ala mk ultra secret us nazi government program. Also describes a heighted state of paranoia, fear and quite possibly delusion.

That batman shooter looks so mk ultra fucked. Shit son

👍51 👎15

What does "MK-ultra" mean?

a facebook group

Lowres MK ultra is cringe

👍29 👎13

MK-ultra - what does it mean?

Gangstalking isn't mk ultra or freemasons or community policing. It's a tactic called Zersetzung that COINTELPRO copied and after the church Committee ended COINTELPRO they started FISA warrants. Now they put targeted individuals on the terrorist watchlist for revenge and FBI and DHS fusion centers work with local pigs who work with neighborhood watch retards on the riss atix app. There all trash. Punch them in the mouth with brass knuckles or hit the nose and throat.

MK ULTRA is not gangstalking COINTELPRO is but after the church Committee ended it they use FISA warrants to put TIs on the terrorist watchlist.

👍33 👎13

MK-ultra - meaning

A horrific CIA program designed to attempt to brainwash someone using the drug LSD. Created by Sidney Gottlieb. "Gottlieb wanted to create a way to seize control of peoples minds, and he realised it was a two-part process..." "First, you had to blast away the existing mind. Second, you had to find a way to insert a new mind in the resulting void." Dr Sidney Gottlieb believes the best way to blast away the existing mind is LSD.

MK-Ultra was a horrific program that just showed how broken the CIA is.

👍33 👎13

MK-ultra - definition

they created the counterCULTure in order to lead people closer to Satan

see also Adolf Hitler,Anton La Vey etc.

👍209 👎145

MK-ultra - slang

1. It was a CIA project that used LSD as a mind control. The CIA was going to test it on Fidel Castro during one of his speeches and then capture him, though it never worked.

2. A very dank weed that was named after the CIA project.
It also won the 2006 Indica Cup in High Time magazine.

Dude, that MK Ultra really fucked me up last night!!

👍561 👎305


The horrific abuse of an american citizen.

That guy's in MK ULTRA.

👍191 👎81


a CIA project in the 1950s where they did experiments for mind control.
CIA got fucked hard by this

LSD was created as a pill to use for mind control
a few people went crazy and killed themselves from taking it during mk ultra

👍275 👎83


A CIA funded project in the 1950's and 60's, that specilaized in mind control and brain washing as a mean of putting hookers/bums And POW's under the influnce of LSD or the use of any ohter sick mind control experiments the CIA was using. They put one man under the influnce of LSD(acid), For 77 days straight. The word brain washing was coined by a former CIA leader when he was trying to explain the meaning of the word to the public.

MK-UlTRA is also a good strain of marijuana.

Yo dude did you hear about MK-ULTRA there making a machuarina canidate it's bush!!!

👍317 👎49