Definder - what does the word mean?

What is High Time?

Business / Economics phrase for Black people

"According to our research analytics, our product has secured the market share of High Time Preference Americans. This appears to be a growing trend among Gen Z consumers."

👍25 👎11

High Time - video


High Time - what is it?

From the Book Of senses.

These are the inventions purely made while being high on marijuana.They are strictly made to make communication easier and are not offensive at all.These inventions are only understood by very inteligent people,or people under the influence of marijuana(because of the increasement in creativity),anybody else will think that they are pointless or they use the defence mechanism of calling it "offensive" because they dont understand it.

some sober dumb person:"I dont get the point of all these words that you guys use,its so offensive"

Nik:"No theyre not,theyre just High Times Inventions"

👍35 👎17

What does "High Time" mean?

the act of being high off any drug. mainly weed.

"Man, i'm so stressed, i gotta be in high times right now or i'ma go crazy!"

👍61 👎79

High Time - what does it mean?

1. Popular Weed Magazine

2. "High Times" is a funny name to call someone who is really high and does some dumb shit.
Ex: "Nice move High Times"


a funny name to call someone who looks really baked. Ex:"Whats up High Times?"

high times

👍63 👎21

High Time - meaning

a pot magazine shows the some of the greatest weed in the world

Lemme get my high times, look at this good weed!

👍119 👎41

High Time - definition

1.=about time
used to say that you think somebody should do something soon
2.the latest possible moment

It's about time you cleaned your room!
It is high time you went to work.

👍87 👎23

High Time - slang

An old West term meaning "about time."

Welp, it's high time I hit the ol' dusty trail.

👍229 👎61

High Time

(noun) - An American counterculture magazine which promotes and reflects the recreational drug use lifestyle, including columnists, drug culture news, entertainment reviews, reader's true stories, "top ten"-style lists, and offbeat editorial and strip cartoons.
Proper form: High Times Magazine

I occasionally read High Times in high school and my first years at college, since this dude I hung out with had a roommate who subscribed to it.

👍207 👎41

High Time

A modern term meaning it is "time to get high" or extremely baked to the point that it lasts for days at a time maybe even a week or more. Regardless when you say it the time is NOW.

OK bitches it is Friday and Monday is a Holiday and now it is fucking HIGH TIME I don't have to work til Tuesday and I wanna get so high I feel like GOD

👍45 👎57

High Time

The time of the day where a digital clock reads 4:20. A time hailed by all stoners as the time to blaze.

Ey bro, what time is it?

Dude it's high time, were blazin' a bowl.

👍43 👎35