Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MHAIRI?

One of the most irritating creatures ever to walk the Earth, a Mhairi will talk very loudly and at great length about topics which have no interest to anyone else. A Mhairi will punctuate sentences with "and um" and will turn every conversation to make it about her. Nobody wants to sit next to her.

Your chat is awful and um you sound like a Mhairi.

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MHAIRI - meme gif

MHAIRI meme gif

MHAIRI - video


MHAIRI - what is it?

someone who resembles a monkey, odd looking feet and odd sleeping patterns. partying is the number one priority, and fighting ugly people. ladies and gentlemen, mhairi's should not be tampered with.. stay away.

"did you see what that mhairi did to that girl"
"yeah she just simply shit on her face"
"poor girl"

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What does "MHAIRI" mean?

It usually belongs to a Scottish or Gaelic girl who was raised on a farm. They are a beautiful and intelligent, they are also extremely sensible so have never smoked, done drugs or worn inappropriate things to parties. Everyone needs a Mhairi to stay alive.

Mhairi is a name that can be pronounced either varry or Marie

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MHAIRI - what does it mean?

Mhairis are usually found dancing around trees wearing nothing but a green latex thong. They are hippies who take magic mushrooms.

That tree-hugger is such a mhairi.

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MHAIRI - meaning

TOP. And I cannot stress this enough. TOP NOTCH GIRLFRIEND! Deserves the whole world!! Is incredibly sexy. Is super nice, so she sometimes lets people in that she shouldn't but once you show to her that you are worth her attention you will never need it from anyone else. She will stay by your side through everything and cares deeply for you. She loves with the passion of one thousand suns. That's a lot of suns.

Fear not because your saviour is here. In Gaelic Mhairi means Mary, the holy mother. Mhairi most definitely emulates this definition. She occasionally does mushrooms and would dance around trees in a green latex thong if it meant that everyone was having a good time.

Don't sleep on Mhairi's they are truly one of a kind! (Especially ones born on October 18th)

"Have you seen that girl, she's totally awesome!"
"Yeah. She's 100% a Mhairi!!!"
"You can feel the passion of 1000 suns radiating from her!"
"Truly the Holy Mother"

"Oh look, she's pulled out the green latex thong, everyone must be having a good time."
" Where is the tree she's going to dance around though?"
"Its just been planted and is now growing, don't worry, it just means everyone will be having a good time for a very long time"
"Thats what happens when you're with a Mhairi!"

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MHAIRI - definition







Brad: Omg have you seen that new girl.

Bob: Yeah that Mhairi she’s amazing I love her to

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MHAIRI - slang

An extremely fresh white girl that can come up with tight rhymes, even though she comes from a farm

Yo, that mhairi raps like it's nobody's business, dat diss is wicked

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Mhairi is a gaelic name for a female (pronounced Varry) which means "wind in the hills"

It is also the Scottish equivalent of Mary or Marie.

"Hi there, how do you pronounce your name, Mhairi?"

"It's pronounced varry"

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Gaelic for Mary meaning much loved and longed for child.
Beautiful in both looks and personality!

Mhairi is such a great person to get along with

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pretty on the inside and out!

shes a great friend to have, bad friend to lose (yn) she is no slut or hippie tht runs around trees in a green latex thong, she is an intelligent ( but not boring) person and everyone loves her <3

Lauren: I'm so upset

Erin: why

Lauren: I just lost the most amazing friend ever

Erin: was it Mhairi?

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