Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MENTORS?

The best city in northeast ohio, Cleveland is too big and polluted. But they have the best everything else. Mentor is better bacuase a president lived here.

Where do you live?
I live in Mentor.
What is that?
It is the best city ever.
(Then the neighboring states start yelling about potato pasketti)

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MENTORS - meme gif

MENTORS meme gif

MENTORS - video


MENTORS - what is it?

1. Breast implants
2. Big boobs.
from: Mentor Corporation, the #1 manufacturer of breast implants in the U.S.

Sittin' at the bar, I looked askance and caught her "Mentors" in my field of view, threatening to climb their way out of a thin black Armani dress.

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What does "MENTORS" mean?

A trusted 'teacher' or counselor, usually a more experienced person on the subjects of dirty intellectual foreplay and verbal intercourse; nasty and forbidden physical acts of desire, lust and hedonistic pleasure. The 'mentee' is completely safe within the space of one's most intimate and skilled lover.

My trusted mentor loves to titillate me with her words, tease me to full inhibition, guide me towards ecstasy, then, while shuddering, hold me like she has no other.

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MENTORS - what does it mean?

1) The illest town on the south shore of Erie
2) The home of the world's largest annual bonfire (read: marsh fire )
3) Home of Cow-Tipping Olympics

How could it get better than Mentor?

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MENTORS - meaning

Helping an individual along in a specific area you are knowledgable about.

After mentoring the young women, they are ready to start their own businesses.

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MENTORS - definition

Noun) Someone who contributes to the CFB (College Football) community or other communities by SHOWing leadership skills and friendship towards those who seek it.

Verb) Used commonly among the irony side of the CFB Community, this word is used as a joke that has been used so much it’s become an essential word in language. Pretty much a filler joke when nothing clever can be made at the time.

Person A: I’m a disabled adult.

Person B: I can mentor you. You need help? Quip, maybe?

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MENTORS - slang

A porno metal band that sounds like Black Sabbath meets Hustler magazine that formed in the late 70s. Originally fronted by a bald bearded beer gut voclist/drummer guy known as El Duce. Who later got ran over by a train and killed back in April 1997. Also in the band was Dr Heathen Scum on bass and Sickie Wifebeater on guitar. The Mentors biggest claim to fame was back in 1985 when somebody during the Tipper Gore's PMRC congressional hearings read the lycics to "Golden Showers", from the album "You Axed For It".

Dr Heathen Scum still continues the Mentors band with a whole new crew.

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1.(n) One who influences learning minds.
2.(vb) To influence a learning mind.
3.(prp n) The single position of master teacher held at the University of Cleav.(Fweeb the Mentor)

I love the influence of my mentor
I will mentor the ignorant.
The current Mentor of Cleav is Fweeb.

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(v.) To be tutor and/or schooled in a given subject.

"You mean, he doesn't have the privilege of being mentored by me."

"By the way, consider yourself mentored"

"He totally mentored you"

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A prolific hacker from the 80's that wrote The Hacker's Manifesto.

The Mentor writes that "My Crime is that of Curiosity"

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