Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MDs?

1. Medical doctor. The graduate of an allopathic medical school who prefers to treat diseases rather than people and shudders at the thought of having to touch people.

2. Medical doctor. The graduate of an osteopathic medical school who failed the courses in osteopathic manipulative medicine.

1. "A stethescope? You mean I have to touch him? Can't I just order an echo and prescribe some pain pills?"

2. "Isn't an MD what they give you when you fail OMM?"

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MDs - meme gif

MDs meme gif

MDs - video


MDs - what is it?

Masterbation Depervation Syndrom. The male form of pms, occurs when males fail to masterbate frequently enough inturn making them have all the bitchy qualities of a girl on her period.

Fran: "Dude, Jim is being a total bitch lately!"
Nicole: "Yeah he's totally mds-ing, gross..."

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What does "MDs" mean?

in terms of drugs:

short for mdma, which is ecstasy, ..
however it's in the form of a powder, usually made by grindin up E pills

is snorted, can be rubbed into gums also for less effect

jojo: how much for sum MD?
benji: Β£15 for half gram
jojo: i'll take it

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MDs - what does it mean?

1. Medical Doctor

2. Short for "most definitely"

1. After High School, if you want to get an MD, you have to spend 12 MORE YEARS in college and medical schools.

2.Haddon: "Oh, my God! Md!"(winks)

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MDs - meaning

.:short for maryland:.

the baddest niggaz come from baltimorein MD

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MDs - definition

"md" is a common abbreviation for the words 'my dude'. The abbreviation is often used when texting.

"hey how are you md?"
"im good dude how are you?"

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MDs - slang

Doctor of Medicine.

Common title given to doctors.

You can either be a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or a Doctor Osteopathy DO

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My Dick

You need to get off MD
How many girls have you fucked in your life?

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Short for MDMA which in turn is short for Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. The most purest, cleanest chewmical in the world. Powdered form of the street drug ecstasy usually found in unclean, unpure pill form. Once you do this, you'll never wanr to touch another pull again. Swear down. However, it has a rather foul, vile taste, so is best taken wrapped in a rizla.

Guy 1 "Yo g you got any pills on ya?"
Guy 2 "Nah mate i don't do that shit, i got some MD though"
Guy 1 "Whats that?"
Guy 2 "The best thing you'll do in your life. Much better than cocaine
Guy 1 "Yeah man i'll try some"

Half an hour alter

Guy 1Nah man this is fuckin brilliant i'm never doin those awful pills again man!

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Portuguese shorthand for Meu Deus, which translates in English to My God! Often used online

Person 1: Foi pra pria hoje e eu estive roubado... (I went to the beach today and I was robbed)
Person 2: Mds, que horrivΓ©l! (My god, how horrible!)

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