Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MARLYN?

A Marlyn is a person who is a furry and a weirdo, typically fruity.

Josue: WOW! This weirdo named Marlyn is stalking me!

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MARLYN - meme gif

MARLYN meme gif

MARLYN - video


MARLYN - what is it?

Not goth. Never claimed to be. Does not give himself head. Never claimed to. One of the best and coolest singers of all time. Born in Canton Ohio, a city where I proudly used to live.

MM Basher: i hat3 MM, he thankz h3s g0+h anD giv3s hims3lf h3aD! i g3+ m`/ bo`/ fri3nD +0 suck m`/ D1ck!

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What does "MARLYN" mean?

The hottest girl in Hollywood. Had a "incident" with a subway vent that led to a skirt being blown upwards.

Prep: Who is Marlyn Monroe?
Me: The hottest girl known to man.
Prep: She is just some ugly old girl.
Me: Your just insecure.

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MARLYN - what does it mean?

Beautiful girl. Wife material. will give her all for the ones she loves. a goddess when it comes to sex. face of an angel. a natural born poet. a one-man kind of woman.

Did you see marlyn last night, i was so amazed by her beauty i forgot to blink and my girlfriend broke up with me.

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MARLYN - meaning

MARLYN: (noun,verb)
-Female of human species, Angel moralized, the only living species of Sexy Sapien, Highly appealing or interesting; attractive, Highly developed in Sense of Fashion, Kissable and huggable, capable of ground breaking Kisses , Smart, Trustworthy, honest, loyal, unique in everyway, very loving, and perfect future spouse.

-synonyms; Sexy, Sweet, Sassy, Smart

Guy1: (whistles) "Hey Girl Whatz yo name? Im goana buy you thangs.."

Girl: Looks and walks away

Guy1: "What just happened?"

Guy2: "Dude thats a Marlyn..Try a different approach man!! Watch this.."

Guy2: "Hey pretty lady you look like my future wifey..mind if we trade?..I give you my heart for a date?"

Girl: "Aww.. cute, (she Smiles) well My names Marlyn yours?"

Guy1: "F#ck I never win Nothing!'"

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MARLYN - definition

1. A very beautiful, at the same time sexy and serene female possibly from Caribbean and Portuguese descent, mostly voluptuous, with dark hair, big brown eyes. Soft deep voice and very well mannered, can become emotional once in a while, most of the times extremely pleasant to be around, not in the last place because of her sense of humor. A complete heartbreaker!

2. A strong, beautiful young lady, who loves to love others but yet is afraid to. Has many "friends" but only a handful whom she treasures. LOVES reading and writing. Total dork. Funny. Loves to laugh. Is gorgeous inside AND out. Prideful. Can be the nicest person ever but can be a bitch at times. laughs for no reason. Does funny stuff. Is a rebel, a daredevil, AND a nerd. Makes you work and take tests in order to become her BEE EFF EFF. but she's worth ALL the trouble.

1. Fuckin Marlyne, you're just so AWESOME!

2. Hey dude, that Marlyne drove me completely nuts, I can not stop thinking about her. She makes my heart pound and my Braulio completly duro como uma rocca!

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MARLYN - slang

Marlyn is a aswesome person with a sexy body, everything she has is perfect, she can eaither be in your good side or bad side, if Marlyn is crushing on someone then that person is lucky to have her, DONT LET HER GO, she lives her friends and family and will cover up anything for her family and friends, she is a person u should love and not let go, if u piss her off is because you did something to piss her off, don’t let Marlyn stop being your friend or boyfriend because remeber that smoking body of hers!

Marlyn is the hottest girl I known.
Am so lucky I have a marlyn.

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A heartbreaker. A woman with a killer smile that will knock you out with her sincerity and confidence. She likes to flaunt both her good looks and intelligence. Many will try to chase her, but only the most divine will capture her. Loyal friend, loves her family. Doesn't put up with shit from anyone. Wild, bewildering, likes adventure, curious, fascinated by the little things. An amazing lover who will make you feel as though you are the only one in the room.

Don't get too close to Marlyn! You may get burned.

I can't get Marlyn off my mind, that smile kills me.

When Marlyn walked by I got butterflies, but where did she go? She left a trail of fire!

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It is normally a girl name. Marlyn is a beautiful girl you'll ever find. She'll always be by your side she'll love you forever, but if u just don't talk to her anymore she won't talk to you. Marlyn is naturally short with long hair. She's always gonna love you if you love her. She's also really hyper and sweet. (Her body is sexy asf)

Marlyn, I've loved you since the day I met you

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Marlyn,is the most different person who has been through the most,but no matter what happens she will always remember where she came from.She loves the stars and that's why she's the star of the whole ocean

Marlyn loves to look at the stars at night

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