Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Luke Duke?

Something very out of pocket , unbelievable

Those shoes are Duke Luke

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Luke Duke - video


Luke Duke - what is it?

A couple of Southern bros who are related in some way.

Example: β€œLook, the Gilligans are wearing matching hawaiian shirts and skidding out in the parking lot again. They’re like Bro and Luke Duke.”

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What does "Luke Duke" mean?

Bo and Luke Duke are just a couple of good ol'e boys. They never ment no harm. They've bet all you ever saw, they've been in trouble with the law since the day they were born. Some day the mountain might get 'em but the law never will. They still make they way the only way they know how, but thats just a little more then the law will allow. They wouldn't change if they could, they fight the system like a true modern day Robin Hood.

Luke: Bo, Boss Hogg is gunna steal the the interwebs!
* Bo and Luke Duke drive around in the dust a bit shooting arrows at trees then crash into a large ditch trying to jump it.

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Luke Duke - what does it mean?

warm poop.

luke duke: from luke (as in luke warm) and duke, meaning poop (as in drop a duke).

not to be confused with loose deuce, which is liquid poop.

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Luke Duke - meaning

To set an object on fire by shooting it with a flaming arrow.

On the Dukes of Hazard, Luke Duke used to do it all the time!

Ted Nugent likes to do it on stage.

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Luke Duke - definition

To grab a woman's buttocks and insert one finger into the butt crack.

My buddy met a drunk woman at the night club and proceeded to Luke Duke her.

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Luke Duke - slang

The act of inserting your two fore fingers between the cheeks of another person, unbeknownst to them and saying in a warm baritone voice " nice ass".

After Dooley gave the waitress a Luke Duke our party was asked to leave the bar.

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