Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Low Fat?

More intense rofl, in the same regards that lmfao is more intense than lmao - Low Fat Rofl Mayo is the more intense version of rofl or roflcopter/roflmayonnaise.

Usually used in reflection of a funny event.

Aww that time Alex got hit in the face with the basketball after he tripped I totally Low Fat Rofl Mayo'd.

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Low Fat - video


Low Fat - what is it?

An albino female (refer: Brum Brum Snake) Who was once quite fat and hence called Pudding. But when The albino finishes high school goes on a "Goey diet"(Speed, Gas, Chaz) and looses weight but still has all the skin because she lost the weight too fast. This "Low Fat Pudding" is often seen wearing tartan mini-skirts and bulge revealing tops. If seen avoid at all cost as has a propencity to attach herself and never leave.

"Oy have you seen pudding since shes been on the goey diet?"
"Pudding? I think you mean low fat pudding."

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What does "Low Fat" mean?

When a large black man jizzes in a milk carton and a girl drinks it

Yo man jamall gave shanequa a Low Fat Chocolate Milk and she spilled it on the floor so he hit her

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Low Fat - what does it mean?

The drink of health food freaks who desire to be semi-normal with their eating patterns.

Delicious and nutritious. Usually made with a type of low fat vanilla yogurt and some real strawberries, not that fake juice stuff.

Bob: What are you having?
Stacey: A low fat strawberry smoothie and you?
Bob: A smoothie.

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Low Fat - meaning

A dick that has no carbohydrates, low on fat, and healthy for vegans.

Girl 1: Omg Tommy's dick is so big you should try to fuck with him
Girl 2: EW, NO, I'M VEGAN
Girl 1: Girl, he has that low-fat dick.

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Low Fat - definition

A Thot who is thic but not too thicc, but is a hoe. Classy but a little bit trashy.

Marcus told that low fat thot to close her fat hoe mouth, but she replied, I like it open.

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Low Fat - slang

a meth addict (usually white)who is really skinny from constantly tweaking.

"What you hangin' wit those toothless low-fat crackers fo'"

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Low Fat

A phrase coined by a husband making fun of his wife named Gemma at the local Costco. You can even shorten it and use "Jeema" after a sentence, phrase, or word ends in an abrupt sound, most commonly used with words that end in T. For example, if your friend asks you "Do you like my hat?" and appropriate answer would be "Jeema" so that you finish their sentence saying "Do you like my hat Jeema". Another great example would be if you see a carton that says "Jumbo Egg", you would take a picture on snapchat and add text to make it "Jumbo Egg Jeema. It is also popularly used when you have nothing else to say and you want to laugh. If you are ever down, you say "Low Fat Jeema!" and all your problems seem to go away. Give it a try. Or if you're feeling confident, you can add Jeema to almost anything! The possibilities are endless.

"Hey man, what's up? You want to go to the gym with me tonight... Jeema?"
"Go Fit Jeema"
"Pillow Fat Jeema"

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Low Fat

not high in fat

This yogurt is low fat, so i wont end up like rosie.

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Low Fat

Usually pertaining to food that is of less quantity, an advertising effort to promote "healthy"

Dorito's Normal: 200 Calories and 10g
Low fat: 100 Calories and 5g

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