Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lole?

Loling: A verb that means laughing out loud.

Chanel was LOLING at the joke.

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Lole - meme gif

Lole meme gif

Lole - video


Lole - what is it?

" The obsessive compulsive use of the abominable gen Z( the generation of disgrace) word " LOL " standing for "laugh out loud " Or " Lots of laugh " Or ( in case of boomers and some cases) " Lots of love " To point where it becomes forced and somewhat awkward and just really low effort and insincere"

Can you stop LOLING?

He is the epitome of LOLING

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What does "Lole" mean?

Past tense of lol.

While I was talking to my friend online, they said something funny and I loled.

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Lole - what does it mean?

a synonym of the aim expression (lol) except with an emphasis on the long vowel's what you say when you think something is funny, or when you are pretending that something is funny.

it's really icy. lole

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Lole - meaning

lol in the past tense

did you hear about steve? When i heard i loled for hours

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Lole - definition

A word adapted from the word lol
Usually used to replace the word,
It is the plural of lol.

lolings at your face it is quite funny!

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Lole - slang

The act of 'actually' Laughing Out Loud.
Loling is not to be confused with typing "lol".
You actually have to break a laugh.

"Hahaha, I'm loling myself right now!"~Thatoneperson.

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A nickname for an amazingly beautiful girl prophecied since the days of old to be the most attractive person to ever be born. So far, the only reported sighting of this mystical beauty happened in Southern California during early 2010. The discoverer claimed to have found the prophecy-fulfilling individual and has announced plans to take her for himself. Countless men have heard this tale and grieved their own loss, but, according to the supposed discoverer, nothing shall ever come between them.

Guy #1: "Dude, I think I just met Lolee!"

Guy #2: "Sorry man, I doubt it. I heard Lolee has already been found by some lucky guy."

Guy #1: "Then how come this girl seemed so perfect?"

Guy #2: "Because the real Lolee, unlike this girl, doesn't just seem perfect. She IS perfect. You'll soon find that no girl, not even the one you just met, can even compare to Lolee."

Guy #1: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"

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Lole: is the word 'lol' with an english accent.

Althgouh it is spelt differently, it has the same meaning as 'lol' but is more special.

When you qoute someone who said 'lole' in the sentence you must say it in an english accent, and is not acceptable if not pronounced in the accent.

"johnny fell off a bridge today" "haha, lole"

"would you like some jam and scones with your story" " "haha, lole, you really are a joker"

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A word that is said if something is funny.

Person 1: (to person 3) You’re so ugly!
Person3: Look who’s talking, Lole!

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