Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Liper?

liper is an amazing ship name for Piper Rockelle and Lev Cameron.

Liper met 8 months ago today on the 13th of april

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Liper - meme gif

Liper meme gif

Liper - video


Liper - what is it?

It's an ship name for Lev Camron and piper rockelle ....
They are the cutest and the strongest ship ever I wish them a best I hope they stay longer πŸ’“

Liper is an best ship ever

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What does "Liper" mean?

Liper is a ship name for Piper Rockelle and Lev Cameron! They are a very cute couple and nothing can beat their happiness. I wish the best for them!

Liper is such a cute couple and nothing beats their love

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Liper - what does it mean?

cross between lipo and sniper

the sniper of lipo

"That dang liper shot me from having lipo."

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Liper - meaning

Liper is a ship name of Liam and Piper

Tommy: What should we call Liam and Piper since they always hang out?

Mason: How about Liper? I totally ship them

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Liper - definition

A wizard with a GM name that is better then most, has good aa and is a easy to get along with fellow, but for some reason managed to make enemies.

I can't believe kadath went and pulled a liper.

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Liper - slang

Liper is the best ship in the #piperazzi squad and just had their 7 months.

Liper is amazing!

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Someone who bites lips while kissing

Yo shes such a liper

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Liper is the ship name of the social media stars Piper Rockelle Smith and Lev Cameron Khmelev who started out as crushes but know are dating.

Liper is so cute! I ship them so much and I'm glad they're happy together.

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”Liper” is a ship name for popular YouTube star Piper Rockelle and Lev Camron.

”Liper is so cute you guys! I totally ship it”

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