Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Linz's?


Linz is a kind and gorgeous human, errr I mean 👽🐙

👍25 👎11

Linz's - meme gif

Linz's meme gif

Linz's - video


Linz's - what is it?

The best ice hockey team in the world. Apparently loosing every single game in season 2020/21. But they will be better soon. Brian Lebler is a fcking legend.

Black Wings Linz ist der beste Verein der Welt!
Einmal Linzer immer Linzer.

👍27 👎11

What does "Linz's" mean?

A math teacher in which it is impossible to pass his class.
Also, a golf instructor for the school golf team.

Urban dictionary please approve of this add because I didn't use a first name (:

J. linz is really hot, but it is impossible to pass his class. Hahaha.

👍27 👎13

Linz's - what does it mean?

A retarded fuck up obsessed with skat, who graduated school at the age of 31 and was finaly allowed to leave their class C4 at Waimea College (for example) behind.
Has a tendancy to frequently indulge in homosexual activities whilst LAN partying.

Examples of LinZ's:
- Jon Jon
- Scott
- Wildo
- Big J
- Yoshi
and many more. Ask Jon Jon.

👍55 👎115

Linz's - meaning

meaning the worst swear word ever invented!
if being called a 'LINZ' react with great anger
Should only be used when very vexed!!

'Ur Such a LINZ'
'U really are a LINZ'
'Go die you LINZ'

👍47 👎57

Linz's - definition

When you Linz someone you're basically saying 'Yeah, okay cool'. In a sarcastic manner as if to say you didn't give a shit as to what that person had just said, and you weren't really listening and/or you don't care.

Closely followed by then ignoring that person and if on MSN blocking that person.

Person 1:'I dunno what to do, she's amazing, I'm crazy about her, I think I'm in love with her man...'
Person 2: Yeah, Linz.

👍47 👎43

Linz's - slang

Haha Linz, Im sorry I love you!

Someone Loves Linz:D

👍101 👎81


One of the sweetest and prettiest girls you will ever be friends with, laid back and funny

K-pop lover and fantastic fan fiction stories

Linze is my childhood best friend
Have you met Linze ? You should !

👍25 👎11


Some one who trys to be the best friend they can be and to see the best in people..even if no one else can.

linz is the best, the nicest, the koolest person alive.

👍187 👎67


The third biggest city in Austria with a population of about 200k people.

Fois Sie dos lesen, sind Sie wahrscheinli a fellow Linzer.

👍27 👎11