Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lifestream?

A buzzword created by nerds to make their online lives sound important to the tiny number of followers they have.

Steve Rubel: "Look at me, I'm Lifestreaming!"
The 4 nerds who buy into the bullshit: "Swoon, you're so awesome!"
Normal person: "You're just blogging and posting pictures."

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Lifestream - meme gif

Lifestream meme gif

Lifestream - video


Lifestream - what is it?

The coolest room on IMC!'s a little place where we can get together!

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What does "Lifestream" mean?

This is where souls go after they leave the body. Souls from humans, plants, and animals are included in this. After being in the Lifestream, a soul will be reborn into another form.

FFVII's form of "Gaia"
Known as the "Cycle of Souls" in FFIX

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Lifestream - what does it mean?

In the context of the internet, a lifestream is a time-ordered stream of documents/posts/comments/pictures/videos that will function as a diary of your electronic life.

Every document you create, every photo or video you post and every comment, twitter or blog post you make is stored in your electronic lifestream - last ones shown first. Your past is at the end of your lifestream.

Some people even take it as far as to start off with a copy of their electronic birth certificate.

Lifestream entries: 12 Sep 20xx Posted entry on blah example blog. 13 Sep 20xx Uploaded photo of my new cat 'Bert' to blah example photo sharing site. 13 Sep 20xx Twittered "OMG it is raining again"

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