Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Libero?

they attract people who have a lot to share but refuse to listen in return

"the music got turned down when Fu started talking and back on when i spoke. I'm a libero stupido."

👍27 👎17

Libero - meme gif

Libero meme gif

Libero - video


Libero - what is it?

A libero is a defensive specialist in volleyball. Being a libero consists of only playing in the back row & subbing in for people who play front row. A libero can not serve, but only can play defense.

Amanda:what is that person doing?
Alison:Subbing in, she's a libero.
Amanda:Oh that's real.

👍167 👎221

What does "Libero" mean?

The libero is the best defensive specialist but it is still necessary to attack and set. The libero is always on the court getting serve receives and digs. She/he must be willing to do anything to keep a ball up and must want it passionately to succeed. Libero means free, she has unlimited substitutions and wears a different colored jersey. The libero is the toughest position in volleyball.

Wow I can't believe she got that up
Well, ya she's the top libero in the state!

👍115 👎19

Libero - what does it mean?

the best passer in a volleyball team. wears a different color of shirt. Usually the smallest on the team but is also the most fiestiest.

Girl 1- Wow see that libero?
Girl 2- yeah
Girl 1- She is really good!

👍437 👎55

Libero - meaning

A small guy with a huge you know what. Lousy in bed but still somehow gets the ladies. He probably slept with your sisters. Loves chick-flicks and also cried when Ironman died! Sometimes flamboyant. Really good swimmer but not very good at soccer/football.

"I just seen Libero leave the party with your sister."
"Libero is so cool."
"Libero is player fo-sho."

👍27 👎13