Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lelel?

This phrase is used in the end of a sentence, to signalize the listener ,that the message of the sentence is a very important issue for society
It's also used from people, who don't have any money problems

The poverty in the U.S is rising Lelele , that isn't the shiznit Lelele

I did not go fot the money Lelele

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Lelel - meme gif

Lelel meme gif

Lelel - video


Lelel - what is it?

It’s when your really clumbsy and your armpit smells, and your legs have bruises, and you have a knife in your head+ your mentally unstable

β€œOh lelelele owy”

-nicole 2022

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What does "Lelel" mean?

Laughter/an indication of excitement or jihad.

stepinrazor: allah akbar

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Lelel - what does it mean?

"Lelel" can be sometimes defined as a more meaningful, or joking version of lol or Lel, or can be a misspelled version and or extension of Lel.

Person 1: (8:05) Read this chat history, I promise you'll laugh.
Person 2: (8:06) ok.
Person 2: (8:25) Lelel. Looks gr8 m8

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