Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lawr?

blithe, breezy, buoyant, calm, careless, cheerful, cheery, cool, easy, easy-going, feelgood, happy, happy-go-lucky, insouciant, jaunty, jovial, laidback, radiant, secure, sunny, unanxious, and unbelievably sexxxy;
most definitely worth dying for (see w.shakespeare)...

her paintings expressed her laurs ways, and continuously stimulated my senses...

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Lawr - meme gif

Lawr meme gif

Lawr - video


Lawr - what is it?

The corrupted version of "law". It has his most famous origins in the Les Misรฉrables musical in 1995 -Broadway-, with Phillip Quast as Inspector Javert. Some people blames his Australian accent.

-I am the Lawr and the Lawr is not mocked!

-I am da lawr. Do nawt mock meh. --fangirl

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What does "Lawr" mean?

A cross between "Rawring" and "Lawling" = Lawring

It is laughing or "lawling" in dinosaur.

That was so funny hes lawring!

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Lawr - what does it mean?

A cross between "Rawr" and "Lawl" = Lawr

It is laughing or "lawling" in dinosaur.

Lawr! that was so funny

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