Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lava Hot?

When you experience something that wows your pants off

Also: Lit, Dope, Super cool

I was listening to a Pinny Schachter song and it was Lava Hot

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Lava Hot - video


Lava Hot - what is it?

When someone or something is reallyyyy hot. (S4xually)

Girl 1: Wow look at him in that shirt!
Girl 2: Lava hot!

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What does "Lava Hot" mean?

Someone who excels at everything. The best. Taken from the common childrens game wherein you jump around trying not to touch the ground (hot lava).

Damn...marshal just kicked chuck norris ass. He is the king of hot lava

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Lava Hot - what does it mean?

Peeing on your man during sex while on your period

β€œHey babe, give me a hot lava bath tonight”

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Lava Hot - meaning

Stay off the floor. Climb around on the furniture, step on the cat if you have to, just don't touch the goddam floor!

The floor is HOT LAVA I tell you.

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Lava Hot - definition

The name of a girl who loves Lil Wayne, and prays at night for Chuck Bass.

A 'Miro$lava Money$hot' generally has gorgeous hair and eyelashes that will make you want to do the dirty. She constantly is claiming that she 'has been such a disgusting girl.' Maybe she is suggesting that you punish her?
Ps. she spelt her name with a money sign before Ke$ha.

"i've been such a disgusting girl." - Miro$lava Money$hot

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Lava Hot - slang

Slang for semen- the milk like fluid that erupts from a man's knob when ejaculation occurs

see.. Peter North

John- Aaahhh, damn Joan, that pussy is tight as fuck. Just a few more thrusts and I am going to cum!

Joan- Perfect John pull out and pump your Hot Lava all over my tits and face.

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Lava Hot

Some rumbling and stomach pain leads to extremely explosive diarrhea that burns as it exits the rectum and comes out so forcefully that it splashes off the toilet water and back onto your ass.

Man, I shouldn't have had those 9-1-1 hot wings. I barely made it home before I expelled some potent hot lava.

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Lava Hot

When you can't touch one of the two sets of colors of tiles (for example, black and white).

Seyithan: Oh man, I can only walk on the white tiles 'cause the black tiles are hot lava.

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