Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Latinum?

highly specific Star Trek slang used to describe nerds who wear too much bling.

"Get a load of Poindexter! Where you going with all that gold-pressed latinum, booooyyyyyy?"

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Latinum - what is it?

Fictitious precious material in the Star Trek universe, a very rare silver wrapped in gold.
They are graded according to quality, slip, strips, bars and bricks.

Morn DS9 stolen gold-pressed latinum and hid it one of his second stomachs after stripping off the gold. This caused him to become bald.

👍109 👎29

What does "Latinum" mean?

Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by the Ferengi Alliance and many other worlds. It cannot be replicated. For ease of transaction, latinum is usually suspended within gold to produce "gold-pressed" latinum.

Ferengi rules:

- Nature decays, latinum lasts forever.
- Even a blind man can recognize the glow of latinum.

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